Hey guys, first of all, I'm sorry if this is the wrong section for this, if it is go ahead and move it or delete it or whatever.
Now, for the past couple years I've been using a Daenyx LCD TV as my computer monitor and it's worked quite well for me, but now that I've upgrade to Windows 7 from XP I've had problems with some of my games (Necrovision and Mirror's Edge, so far.) As soon as I start the games, my screen goes to "No Signal", which it only usually does when I have the screen on but not my computer or PS3. I can still hear all the audio and if I move my mouse around I can hear it scroll over the options on the main menu. With Necrovision, I usually get stuck like this but with Mirror's Edge I can get back to my desktop if I mash the windows key a bit. All my other games work flawlessly.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could do to fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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