It's going to be an Enemy Territory kind of game. Expect the devs to have their own take on the same things that battlefield did. Hopefully they can pull off a game better than the last few BFs. I'm pretty much disillusioned with DICE at this point, but QW looks like it could be a lot of fun.
It's going to be an Enemy Territory kind of game. Expect the devs to have their own take on the same things that battlefield did. Hopefully they can pull off a game better than the last few BFs. I'm pretty much disillusioned with DICE at this point, but QW looks like it could be a lot of fun.dar_
It is a team based shooter, so deep down it is similar to the battlefield games. I'm definitely looking forward to it! QW looks like it has a much better class structure however, and I like how it is really objective-oriented. Looks to be an awesome addition to the Quake series :)
I do hope the the team playing side of the game will be better then that of BF, where everyone is just runs araund killing without eny kind of real team play. It would be nice to se a game wehe you are kina forsed to do some co-op! ;) I think QW will be great! 8)
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