Lets say I wanna buy a game from steam. Can I burn the game after I download it so I won't have to redownload it each time I wanna reinstall it? Thanks!
Lets say I wanna buy a game from steam. Can I burn the game after I download it so I won't have to redownload it each time I wanna reinstall it? Thanks!
yes. There is an option to backup your game on steam client. You can back it up either on a your hard disk or Dvd's In fact you can just copy the game files directly to an external hard disk and when you wish you can restore them back and the game will be installed ( by using check integrity on steam )
Can I do that backup onto another PC? Because I don't want to dl a whole another 10 GB when my other PC is literally 5 metres away.ocstew
If you have the steam game on that PC. You could also try hooking up the hard drive from your other PC to the PC with the game and seeing if you can back it up on that.
yes. Just copy the game files into a usb dirve/HD then put them into the corresponding steam library on the other Pc and when you will log into the other pc steam will find the game and install it ( just make sure after it reach 100% to right click on the game and hit verify cache integrity and also when you copy the files make sure steam is not running )
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