Older and even recent motherboards tricked us on sli, saying it was 100 percent on 2 cards to have 2 gpu runing at 100 percent. I found out the 189 board i bought really 229 was only 8x8x.. now i see alot of 680 aka evga or the asus striker board thats 16x16x =32x. Im wondering if 16x16x will make the second card =gpu 100 percent effectivie instead of the 8x8x only giving u 40percent.
I would suggest using proper grammar and the pc-hardware board. But it's pretty well known that SLI doesn't quite double your GPU power, not even close.
Dude cut me some slack man! i was born deaf, didnt get my hearing till I was 8. Just LA was always my weak subject, btw I cant type good grammer on a keyboard. I can on pen but not a keyboard.
Yes, many (if not all) 680i chipset mobos have true 16x SLI sockets in addition to a third PCI-E slot that is 8x. It is believed that someone could use the third slot to use a graphics card as a physics processor (thats why these newer Dx10 have two SLI bridge connectors on them).
I know 8x8x only gave you a realize of what? 40 percent? basically for high resolutions in the games. What im wondering what does two 16x16x =32x equal to now on the gpu speed. It has to be alot faster than 40 percent now.
Well there is the idea of thinking about games and if they are optimized to use SLi in the first place, then you have to consider the communication latenicies involved with an SLi / Crossfire solution. Some games like Call of Duty 2 have built in SLi optimization for when it's available.Â
Even still with the communication issues involved, the most extra real world output you could see with a second graphics card is probably around 80% and if you're lucky, 85-90%. The idea of "doubling" your graphicaly output is a theoretical not an absolute.
Do you think the new games like assassin creed,crysis and alan wake will be SLI optimized? I'm hoping so! btw can you care to explain the difference from 8x8x sli to 16x16x??
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