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first no longer need vista to play future games for windows live games....second...there is barely any support for it at all...and according to many, MS has seemingly abandoned the entire concept....third, GFWL is still in a pretty early form, its a lot worse then XBL.....
there is a lot better on the PC then Live, you dont need it.
I had high hopes for this when it launched. It's free unlike Xbox live, which even though excellent, it's wrong to charge for P2P multiplayer IMO.
But where are the games? Why haven't the PC developers gone for it? Why isn't MS pushing it? It lookslike MS shut it's marketing dept the day Peter Moore left. There's only 2 games that integrate it that I know of - Halo 2 and Shadowrun, although I would think GeoW will do it too.
Still, that doesn't make it much of a success as they are all Microsoft published games.
Have MS got too heavy handed and scared the devs off with their requirements?
and the players by threatening to bring in a subscription model for multiplayer?
Is XFire more than filling the gap for pc players?
I would have liked to see a more x-platform games come out - and an service like XBL on the pc - but Windows Live seems to be sliding in to obscurituy.
Game for Windows LIVE is very poor, Xfire covers pretty much all the friend communication features and you can just google for downloadable content. So no, it's not worth doing unless you want to start PC gaming with good graphics, but since a lot of big titles are coming to Xbox360 and PC you could just stick to Xbox360 gaming and still get a good experience.
This link will tell you everything there is to know about Games for Windows LIVE.
Have fun.
I would avoid it.
A: Windows Vista sucks right now for gaming, as usual MS didn't finish the OS before release. I know 4 gamers with Vista, all have reported problems with various games that they didn't have under XP.
B: From what I've seen the Live for Xbox is far better, its got a good size library and decent community. The problems with the whole GFWL concept have already been stated quite well above.
I've had no problems with Vista at all, it's been sweet as a nut.
No offence but it's funny how most reported problems come 2nd-hand from people who don't run it.
I know this topic is almost a month old but I have some questions to add.
1. Is Windows Live free?
2. Can it be used on XP or Vista? (I heard its available for xp now. I use Vista, but I wanted to know.)
3. Does the service allows you to play against people on XBL for all games?
4. Besides Shadowrun, Halo 2, and GoW, are/what other games are/will be supported?
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