Before you go out buying things blindly, find out what specifically in your computer is making too much noise. One method is to briefly stop each fan, one at a time, with a rubber eraser and find those that make the most significant improvement. If that doesn't sound safe to you, you can roll a sheet of paper into a tube and listen to the different fans in your case to find out what's making the most noise. Sounds can be deceptive - you might think the CPU fan is making the most noise and it turns out to be the exhaust fan.
After that, research all the options for the parts you want to replace. The best place to start, if you haven't already, is on Silent PC Review, where they are focused exclusively on this topic. There are lists of recommended heatsinks, fans, PSUs, and other components, as well as an active forum of other quiet PC aficionados. There are tips and techniques for further reducing noise, such as hard drive suspension, simple case modding and ducting fans to different areas of the case. If you just rush into buying new components, you could waste a lot of money, so make sure you know what's making noise and the best way to fix the problem.
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