Seriously, here me out my fellow gamers. Unless you like cranking resolutions beyond 250000x160000000 with 64xAA and 32AF, there is no reason to shell out $500 for these new cards. Also, no developer (within the next 2 or so years I reckon) will fully utilise the full potential of these upcoming beasts. If you like having the latest and greatest peripherals, then hey, I wont complain. Its your money. I myself however, will buy another HD 4900 for crossfire modes and save some money and still be able to enjoy 99.9% of games at max settings.
Just my 2 cents
I agree that for the vast majority of games on the market today, these cards are complete overkill right now. However, there are some games that need some SERIOUS horsepower, even just to max the settings out at average gamer resolutions.
Crysis and Crysis Warhead didn't run to my satisfaction at my monitor's native resolution of 1680x1050 on my G92 8800 GTS.. I had to play on 3/4ths quality (gamer settings) to get framerates in the mid-30's. And FORGET about AA/AF. Now with a 5870, I won't have to upgrade for a couple of years, and I can crank Crysis/Warhead completely up to max settings and add in a little bit of AA too.
Also, the 5870 is $380-$400, and the 5850 is below $300. I don't know why you mentioned $500 video cards. Given the horrible yields that Nvidia has been getting out of their GT300 chip so far, their new cards MIGHT cost that much or more. But then again, I won't need one.
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