Let's break it down shall we?
Case: The case is meh, but performance wise it doesn't do anything. so it doesn't effect my score.
Motherboard- 9: The motherboard is solid and absolutely packed with features. It is probably going to be the motherboard I am going to get. Motherboards don't do a whole lot in the performance department, but that is a pretty solid mobo.
CPU- 9.5: The i7-7700K is the best CPU for 1080p gaming and a damn good 1440p cpu. It is currently the best quad core processor in the world right now.
GPU- 8.9: Nvidia's GTX 1070s are some of the best GPUs in the world second to only the current king (GTX 1080 and soon to be GTX 1080i). That being said, the MSI version isn't the best third party GTX 1070, and while it still is great, you could have gone with something a bit better.
RAM- 9: Solid RAM choice, but how many gigs? Any DDR4 RAM is going to fly.
PSU- 7: Here is where you lost some points because that PSU, good, but not great. Hands down, Corsair makes the best PSUs in the market and you could have done yourself better by getting one of their 750w or 850w Platinum ones.
Storage- 7.5: Here is where you lose some more points. The Samsung 950 Evo is a damn fine SSD, but the hybrid drive is a bad choice- spend the extra money and get dual SSDs. The only time I have ever seen hybrid drives show their use is in a PS4 or an XBox One.
After we add all of the scores and get the average we get an 8.5 out of 10 (rounded up from 8.48).
You have a very solid build, better than what some people led you to believe. On your machine you can play any game on max settings @ 1080p and this is nothing to scoff at. However, you do have some areas of improvement such has your storage (get rid of that hybrid drive) and your lack luster PSU. Other than that, enjoy your rig!
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