I recently started a new game because of the way a certain boss battle was going (I figured I could change it with a few different actions). But the glitch is in the first part, Detroit, with the side quest "Cloak & Daggers". I can't eliminate all of the bad guys, because one of them is inside a different apartment, and the door to that one cannot be opened - not even hackable, the hack console is not active for that door. What to do guys? No such thing as shooting through apartment walls.:lol: Kevin warned us about this, NPCs clipping into other parts of buildings.
Just start from a prior save point. I think that the auto save would be the best choise. If that doensn't work you could always format your computer and reinstall the game. If that doesn't work you could always buy a new computer and a new copy of the game. If that doesn't work you could always move soewhere abroad, buy there a new computer and a new copy of the game... If that doesn't work then it's just fate man..
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