It is my first and ro be honest the picture is clear but I am concerned it may not be the best picture quality and maybe messing up the graphics from my systems. I have a 32LG70 which works fine but I have a feeling it isn't giving me that great of a picture. First I have Uncharted 1(Drake's Fortune) and I tested it out. From my CRT to my HDTV yes the HDTV makes the picture alot clearer but it also makes something in the picture "jagged". Yes this could be the lack of AA but has anyone played this game without this eyesore? Then there is Halo 3. Yes it displays at 640p but there are also jaggies. I assume this is from the upscaling? If not info would be greatly appreciated. I might consider rreturning the tv. If so do you recommend a good brand tv with 32" 1080p under $600. I have found some but I would like to hear your opinions on it especially if you own one. Finally since it is an LG would a Samsung(or other brand)reduce the poor picture quality I believe I am getting and bring the ideal HD picture? Thanks.
Would this be a better alternative to my 32lg70?
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