Thanks for all the replies everyone. I reformatted yesterday and everything went smoothly. I made sure that I had my network drivers before I began. Fortunately I read a guide that mentioned that I would have no ability to access the internet without doing so. :lol:
When I go to Device Manager and look at "Other Devices?". The only device that lacks drivers is a "Mass Storage Controller", and I'm not sure what exactly this is.
Everything seems to work exactly as intended. Well actually, not exactly. The reason that I reformatted was that I was getting crashes that completely locked my computer, and looked similar to the image below. These crashes only happened when I played games. Other intensive software had no effect. Even 3D software that utilized 100% of my CPU and GPU while rendering.
I thought that they might be driver or software related, but at this point it's obviously related to hardware (unless the lack of "Mass Storage Controller" drivers would have anything to do with this).
Going off on a bit of tangent. Anyways, with the exception of the crashes everything seems to be working just as it should be. I can watch videos, my sound works, I can download programs and software. I can install video games and play them (until they crash and my monitor looks like the photo above).
So my question is, what is a Mass Storage Controller, and is it important that I install drivers for it when everything appears to be working just as it should be?
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