So here's the story.
In my dorm we love Supreme Commander. We've been playing countless LAN matches with 8 players with 1000 unit limit cap (oh was it fun!). So with Supreme Commander 2 on the way, we decided, we'll get together some cash, preorder from Gamestop, get it shipped to us and save 10% for preordering.
So I get my buddies together in the hall, and we decide we are going to order 11 copies, even after tax and shipping it ends up cheaper than buying separately. So we placed a preorder on Friday afternoon. It nears $500 in total.
Saturday: My buddy who placed the order gets a call. Gamestop is concerned because the number associated with his card isn't the same as this shipping address and that they had contacted his bank. Understandable given most of us are away for college. So he calls his bank, lets them know that the shipping address and number are legitimate and that he's expecting a big order from Gamestop. His bank also tells him they never got any queries from Gamestop. So he calls Gamestop, says he has it sorted out and to call his bank back and it should be good now. They say they'll contact him if there are any further complications.
Sunday: All is quiet Shipping Status: Verifying
Monday: All is quiet Shipping Status: Verifying
Tuesday: GAME RELEASE DAY... All is quiet Shipping Status: Verifying
Wednesday: Shipping Status: Cancelled
My friend calls Gamestop and they say he can't order 11 copies, that it's against their corporate policy. We still haven't found their corporate policy.
1. Why doesn't their website explicitly state an ordering limit like every other decent website.
2. Why did they even verify his payment method if they weren't going to even sell us anything.
3. Why did they wait until the day after the game was released to even tell us.
You would think they would treat an order near $500 with care. I'm never buying crap from Gamestop ever again, and I advise you do the same. It's shame they ever bought out EB games, that was a great company with great customer service and great policies.
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