It is true that Relic games are less ballanced then SC, but I do not think it is a bad thing, they basicly traded ballance for fun.
The truth is that Relic could not make a competetive game rts due to thier ground ideas and ideals for thier rts games.
Thier games has alot to do with luck, it is not up to the player if a shell penetrates an enemy tank, or what gets damaged, nor how much, nor if the squad drops down in time to avoid heavy losses.
That alone makes thier RTS games none competetive, because the player does not have complete control, a big factor is luck.
And you can not have a competetive game where luck is included, cold mathematics, and user control is needed there. And SC fits that description there.
Then comes the units, In CoH vanilla the factions are fairly ballanced, altho the axis did have a small advantage.
In OF both the PE and Brits were potentially more powerful then the vanilla factions.
And TOV does not really have alot of note, altho there are 2 custom units, that are far better then the standards.
But I still think ofCoH as the better game, it has an emphathis on tactics, and the bigger picture, where SC much less so, altho in SC2 there is more tactics then just spam, and yes, SC1 was about spam, buildorders over tactics, and the fastest way to make them most damaging. Pretty much make an army and throw them at the enemy at the best time, economics were more important then battlefield tactics.
Sounds odd for me saying that, SC is my second most liked RTS game, but even Dune2 had more tactical options then SC1.
CoH is ment to be unballanced, altho it is not imba enough to be gamebreaking, and it depends on alot of factors just how imba units can be.
And the luck factor in that game means that a cheap silly AT gun can change the entire battle, or that pesky little squad of infantry.
I do find DoW1 more unballanced then CoH, in vanilla Dow Reaper + lance = eldar automatic win
In WA, when the bugs were fixed, the IG would steamroll anyone in range and damage output.
In DC I just need to say Tau and nothing else.
and in Soulstorm I dont need to say anything :S (not relic)
DoW2 I did not like that much, but it has alot of the same things as CoH has, so Luck and placement factors far higher then how fast you can build units
I like the SC series for thier competetive possabilities, but I Love the Relic RTS games for the sheer joy and fun you can have in thier games.
They are just that, games ment to be fun.
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