Modern warfare FPS gets my no. 1 vote. Why? Because it's the sort of genre that everyone can relate to. The elements used in these kind of games are a reflection of what's happening to the world in real life. The new sophisticated weapons, the terrorist + counter-terrorist concept, the political struggle for power, etc are just a few of the many things that players can easily identify with. For example, in COD4, each time a new mission loads or the player dies, we are treated to some real info about each weapon that is being used by military units worldwide. In a way, it's quite informative. (I won't say more due to posting limitations.)
It's hard to decide between Sci-Fi and WW2 but Sci-Fi gets my no. 2 vote. Games, whatever genre they may be, were created to be fun and immersive(otherwise, they're just boring). They take the player into a beautiful world of a "what if i was in...." scenario. Sci-Fi shooters do a good job in this regard. They transform the player's realm of existance from reality to an unreal world full of possibilities, fantasies and surprises. It's like living in a sci-fi movie where you get to be the hero(duh) and, like you've mentioned, fight aliens, fight robots/androids, defend the world from bizzare creatures or jump ahead into the future and take part in WW3.
WW2 FPS is not bad in it's own right. Just overdone all too many times, and mostly in a boring so-so kind of way. The impact the real war had on the history of mankind would always be unforgetable, but for games, it has to be on a whole new level. Not like a brief history lesson but a story that makes you wonder just how much damage was done to the world. Again, good stories, though rare, are a key to leave a lasting impression on the players. Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault and COD 1 & 2 were good examples for such a genre.
Though i stress much on storyline, the basis of a fun and engaging game has to be gameplay, which is oblivious to genre and story. And although the level of importance differs with each player, graphics do play an important part in the success of a game.
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