So...anyone play it? I got it for free on PS+ and it's amazing. For a casual sports-type game, it hits absolutely all the right marks. I'm not going to describe it, because you can Google that. To quickly list what's great about it...
- Gameplay hits the perfect balance between being easy to learn and hard to master. You can jump right in and have fun your first time, or play 1000's of times just focusing on getting better.
- Matches are brief, only ~5 minutes long. Perfect for playing in short bursts, and not bad for extended play sessions ("just one more...just one more...").
- Cross platform play (PS4 and PC), great feature that merges two playerbases to create one big one. Because there are so many people to play against, matchmaking is instant (when it works - has been just slightly shaky due to high amount of people playing).
- Local splitscreen(!)...up to 4 players! Hell yea! Grab your friends, grab a beer, get ready to compete in matches online (2v2, 3v3, 4v4). Or your online friend across the country can grab his roommate, you can grab yours, and you can have a good ol' time online. The integration is amazing, each screen can fully customize their options (camera, controls, cars, etc.).
- Very decent graphics, but very well optimized (ATI 5850 listed under recommended specs...very nice)
I haven't picked it up on PC, but I might do it simply to support these developers and have 144 FPS. Has anyone been playing the game lately? Thoughts on it? Or any questions from people who haven't played it?
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