I'm looking for something with more depth than Diablo 2, but not as complex as say Baldur's Gate series.
I've played most of the big name games. Older is ok as long as the graphics are reasonable.
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I'm looking for something with more depth than Diablo 2, but not as complex as say Baldur's Gate series.
I've played most of the big name games. Older is ok as long as the graphics are reasonable.
Hmmm mybe lets say Mass Effect or Witcher why notLidve
Did Mass Effect on the Xbox. I'm actually interested in the Witcher, but I figured I'd wait for the new version that is coming out.
I'm going to pick this up to fill the void: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832140043
I can't get into Titan Quest, just never appealed to me even though I like Silverfall-esque games.
I would say Titan Quest too, but you said you wanted more depth then Diablo...which I don't think TQ has.
Have you played Arx Fatalis? Fun 1st person RPG that has some very unique features, fun combat and spell casting, very atmospheric, and has great puzzles and a very interactive world. $10 on STEAM too, so good deal.
Divine Divinty is also a good game, though the graphics are a bit more dated then you might like. A lot of the artwork is beautiful so it still looks nice. It's diablo like in it's control scheme and combat, but it is much more RPG orientated and is a deeper experience.
Sacred is one step up in the graphics department over Divine Divinity, but is a bit less on the deep rpg scale. It has a HUGE world though, and a lot of exploration opportunities.
Gothic 3 (when patched up) is an pretty good game. The RPG aspect of it is VERY nice...the world is alive and you have plenty of options to how you want to play. On the bad side, combat is wonky and generally not as good as some other games, but if you can ge past that the world is brilliant and fun to play in.
Oh and one last one...Mount & Blade. Not an RPG per-say...but has a character development system with stats and levels, inventory, and paper doll with items. The reason why i say it's not an RPG, though, is it is more of an open world sandbox game, with emphasis on realistic medieval combat. You start out as a single character basically go around a large overworld map going from towns/castles/ect earning money and experience. Along the way you pick up better equipment and recruit troops and slowly become a force to be recond with. You can lay siege to castles, loot villages, align yourself with factions, go to war, and some other cool stuff. The combat is where the game really shines, as it's very realistic and very fun. You only control you character, but you can also issue command to your troops to fight some very strategic battles. Battle sizes are large (up to 76 participants I think) and very fun.
It's the game I am actually playing now. It's still in beta, but it will be released next month I think. You can download the full version for free (you can only get to level 6 in that version though) and check it out yourself. I don't know if they still offer this anymore, but they actually let you buy the game ahead of time for a reduced price. they send you a email with a key and it unlocks the game.
You don't need to wait for the new version... just register your copy of the game and you will get the new changes when they are released for free.
The combat is somewhat similar to diablo, but is far from a diablo clone.
Alchemy is fairly complex, as is the story and quest-side of the game. Combat isn't all that deep, but it does require strategy and decisions especially on the hard difficulty. There is however, a lot less emphasis on loot and gear and very few choices here.
It also has good replayability and it is also a very long game, especially when you do all the side-quests.
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