[QUOTE="osan0"]the only other game i can think of is baldurs gate 1. also a fantastic game. jahiera and kaleed (probably spelt wrong..its been years since i played it) were brilliant.
i kinda remember planescape torment having it also...but that might have been a dream :P.
kotor 1 and 2 kinda have somethign like ti also......but its nowhere near as good and it happens in cutscenes rather than on the fly while ure walking around.
thats all i can think of.
Oh dear, I tried playing BG1, but had to stop playing after chapter 3, because I grew bored when the NPCs NEVER talked anything!
I mean, in addition to not initiating dialogue whilst walking, they never talked to enemies or city NPCs either.
The only time they talked was when they joined my party.
Also, I wasn't too happy about the wandering around empty wilderness...
But, does the level of interaction increase in the later chapters?
And I probably need to get myself a copy of Plancescape:Torment sometime. And try that Vampire game, never even heard of it...
ooh perhaps ive mis-interpreted ure OP. i remember BG1 having ure allies saying little things while walkign around. sometimes they would poke fun at each other and so on. however it wasnt in a cutscene or anything...it was sorta in the background and the player wouldnt necessarily have anything to do with it.
its been a long long time since i played it though...perhaps im seeing it through rose tinted glasses and maybe it didnt have as much of that as i remember.
if ure looking for the sorta personal conversations that were in BG2...KOTOR1 and 2, NWN1 and 2 (and their expansion packs)..mass effect...there are quite a few around. not as good as BG2 mind but still very good. NWN2 is stable now with the latest patch (expect alot of patching if u get it) but it requires a monster rig to run at its best. not a very well optimized game at all. quite good though imho.
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