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The A tier fear games:
System Shock 2: excellent use of sound, horrific looking enemies and lots of psychologically draining elements (people who have killed themselves, random respawns, weapons that can fail) all combine to make a game that can leave players a nervous wreck.
Alien vs Predator (and sequel) (marine campaign): narrow corridors with poor lighting, extremely fast and lethal enemies and the almost constant blip of the motion tracker, letting you know you're being hunted. Facehuggers kill instantly if they get hold of you.
Silent Hill (PSone): excellent use of sound, limited resources, plenty of darkness so you can only see a few feet ahead and rely mostly on audio to know when enemies are nearby, and a lot of very disturbing images and sounds. A powerful sense of vulnerability.
Penumbra (and sequel): a powerful sense of vulnerability as you have no (real) weapons and there's very limited lighting in the game so you can often only see a few feet ahead of you. Plenty of tension building moments as the game assaults you with audio clues, toying with your anxiety levels, then finally throws an enemy at you, then it all starts again.
The B tier fear games:
Doom 3: pretty weak horror, mostly based around a see-or-shoot mechanic, so you always have one clear vulnerability. While this mechanic itself isn't a bad one, it's poorly used, especially as Doom 3 is more of an action horror game. Largely based around (predictable) shocks rather than fear.
F.E.A.R: similar to Doom 3 (minus the see or shoot mechanic). Relies on largely predictable shocks from Alma, a clearly benign (as far as you are concerned) force. The game does have excellent use of audio and you'll often be jerking and starting as you hear something behind you, only to turn and see that it was just a bag or a phone you brushed up against.
There is a type of game that, while it does not fall under the banner of conventional terms like scary or horror, is nevertheless a frighteing game. Games where you can die instantly - games like Rogue Spear (and other early Rainbow games), Operation Flashpoint and S.T.A.L.K.E.R (mostly early on), and perhaps even the early Tomb Raider games. Fear is ultimately a result of our sense of self-preservation, and nothing sparks that sense like the realisation that we could die in a heartbeat.
When playing these games, the player will either fear for his life and find the experience harrowing, or adopt a soldierly pragmatism and not find them frightening at all. Personally, I'm a coward so they scare me.
I guess just to round out my list, I should mention Clive Barker's Undying. I only played a demo and found it more annoying than frightening, but it seems very well respected amongst fans of horror games.
Doom 3 is the my most scariest game. Fear's scares are very scripted but fairly good to start with. Penumbra can be quite chilling, but it's let down a tad by the somewhat poor design. AVP demos scared me, but never played the full games. Condemend has some good parts, and is quite in your face.
Fatal Frame 2 (PS2): I actually haven't played the first one but the second one is amazingly scary and unlike most scary games, I actually want to keep playing this one!
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (PC): Ok this is one of those games that is going to freak you out or just be an FPS that doesn't really get to ya. For me, I was horrified by the open ended world and not knowing where to go and the possibility that i could have enemies all around me at 360 degrees. Not to mention the music and atmosphere was spooky as hell!
Silent Hill Series: Yeah the storylines are cool and the games can be tough but it remains a scary @ss game!
Bioshock (PC): It had it's moments but I wouldn't necessarily group this game into the horror/scary genre. A great game none-the-less.
Big rigs.
Sorry, couldn't resist. Imo I think Penumbra has the most unsettling experiences ever, and to me that's what makes a game really scary. Followed closely by the Silent Hill series.
Hello Kitty Online Island Adventure is a pretty scary game.
Its scary how many people play it...
J/k im sure its a great game.
I also think Doom 3 was a scary game, The Resident Evil and Silent Hill games always appear to have some kind of fearful impact on me, When something appears out of nowhere it still makes me jump even though i should expect something to be there lol.
Thief 1 - 3. Damn that Haunted Cathedral!
STALKER definitely.
Bioshock is very intense and disturbing!
Here's a brief summary of some of the Horror/Horror-esque games I know of:
The Penumbra's are good ones, you have a genuine fear of the enemies seeing you.
Doom 3 isn't so much scary; it rather just tries to shock you and make you jump.
Indigo Prophecy (Fahrenheit) has a few moments throughout
Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines also has a few moments but not many unfortunately.
Silent Hill is a pretty good choice, although it hasn't aged all that well
Condemned - Scary at times, quite suspenseful.
Clive Barkers Undying & Jericho - Never played them myself, but apparently Undying is very good, Jericho - not as much.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Very suspenseful and sometimes quite frightening.
F.E.A.R. (and expansions) seem to blend fast action with immersive horror quite well somehow. Give it a try.
Call of Cthulhu - Never played it but it looks good.
Sanitarium - Creepy. Very creepy.
The Thing - Haven't played this in aaages but I seem to remember it being very atmospheric.
System Shock 2 - Great game, and the scary elements play out well.
and one more not on PC:
Eternal Darkness (Gamecube) - Depending on how your 'sanity meter' is going, you see visions, hear odd sounds etc.
The game basically tries to **** with you, and it succeeds.
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Thief 1 - 3. Damn that Haunted Cathedral!
STALKER definitely.
Bioshock is very intense and disturbing!
Cathedral? Cathedral?!
The cathedral is Disneyland compared to The Cradle.
Urgh. I had to force my way through that part, it was just.. URGH.
Lets just say I had a bad experience...
Pretty much everything worth mentioning has already been said. There aren't that many truly scary games, which is a shame..
IMO, even though the Thief series isn't really 'horror' (except a few missions like Cathedral, Cradle & lots of fan missions), I still think of Thief as a pretty damn scary game. If you play it the right way, in a right mood, it can be really suspenseful. Thief's AI is still unmatched on how realit feels. Sure, there are 'better' AIs like FEAR has but they are mostly 99% scripted. Sure it has it's quirks, but most of the time Thief's AI feels so goddamn real, which makes it scary as hell. And unlike some other "stealth action" games *cough* splintercellmetalgearsolid *cough*, Thief is purely stealth. You are not a super soldier who has über-high tech equipment and can PWN everyone in their way. You are just a regular guy, well a really talented regular guy, and if you go into a fight you're probably gonna get your ass kicked. Man, I love Thief... I think I'm gonna go play it right now. :)
STALKER was genuinely scary. I've never before walked through a ghost town at night and been sincerely scared out of my mind when I heard a scream, or something move by me and not knowing what it was until it jumped at you.
Also, Painkiller had some really twisted stuff. The Asylum primarily comes to mind...
REmake by far for me. I almost threw my controller at the tv when the little dog/window bit happened. Crimsons are freakin scary too....
Other scary games would be FEAR and Condemned (mainly the 2nd to last level)
I haven't played too many but I actually think RE4 is kinda freaky...everytime I hear someone say "Alli esta!" or "Yo voy a matar!" I definitely get a little uncomfortable...then again who wouldn't when you over hear someone saying "I am going to kill"....beefalo
I'm going to go ahead and say 2 of the fairly obvious ones: Bioshock and F.E.A.R.deathseeker41
(that's ur opinion and u are free with it) did u guys play horror games? RE4 barely had 2 scary moments , FEAR had a very few scary moments by the girl only of cource....
didn't play Bioshock, I didn't find Silent Hill 3 scary at all (just once only), one or 2 scary moments doesn't make a game scary, right?
what I found scary is RE3 on PS. I'm playing Undying now , ppl say it's very scary and I hope it is I played an hour through it and nothing yet:P Fatal Frame too seems scary, I gotta pick it up...
There have been a few 'brown trouser' moments for me in:
Realms of the Haunting
System Shock 2
AvP 1&2
Half Life
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Clive Barkers: Undying
Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy in the US
Doom 3
The last one is Facon 4. I totally crapped myself when I realised how big the goddamn manual was!
1st-- Penumbra Black Plague. THE scariest game EVER, there were times when I didnt even want to continue b/c I knew I was about to be scared s***less.
2nd-- STALKER. Horrific atmosphere and that feeling of relief when you are back in a safe zone that you can only get from a game that can spook you out that much.
3rd-- FEAR. Cannibalism? Check. Ghosts? Check. Scary little nude girl? Check.
Honorable Mention-- System Shock 2. Could have rated higher but by the time I played it, the game play and graphics were outdated.
I take it you people haven't played the original Alone in the Dark games, seriously, no game can be as scary and disturbing as those.vash47
Yeah I agree, remember Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare? When the dude goes up in the attic and opens that coffin? ELANE!!! Show's her all mangled and **** That scared the living crap out of me!
Condemned and Painkiller for me.
Painkiller was creepy only because there were so many enemies at one time, and they were all running at you. Then there would only be one or two around, and they would sneak up on you because you wouldn't expect it.
Painkiller was creepy only because there were so many enemies at one time, and they were all running at you. Then there would only be one or two around, and they would sneak up on you because you wouldn't expect it.
That and some of the enemies you fight are disgustingly twisted. Gotta admit that the asylum level was pretty **** up. Abused patients missing their hands and feet jumping at you then stumbling as they try to get up really can make your stomach turn. That level had the most twisted creatures I've seen in any video game I've ever played. It make's Doom's enemies look like the Care Bears.
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