The only reason the game got any sort of hype was becuase people who hated Skyrim needed some other game to support.
The reviews for Kingomd of Amalur are going to be all over the board and not nearly as consistent as Skyrim's.
I wish the Bethesda haters would just go away. They make fantastic games but this group of jaded PC fanboys who want every game to be a complex mess of menus, dialog trees, and terrible gameplay that's more "hardcore" needs to just shut the hell up.
Usually agree with ya, but dont here (except that Reckonings reviews would be all over the place).
I LOVE skyrim, this after hating Fallout3 and Oblivion. I own every Bethesda game they have ever released, was there abck when Arena first came out.
Far from a bethesda hater, just I call it as I see it.... I didnt have as much fun with Oblivion or Fallout3 as I did with there other games like Daggerfall, Morrowind, Skyrim,etc.. And I also thought Obsidian did a much better job with Fallout New Vegas then Bethsda with F3.
I love my hardcore old school rpgs as much as anyone, but if Bethesda makes a game I enjoy Ill say so (morrowind, Skyrim), but if I dont like what im playing by them (Fallout3) them Ill say my opinions. I loved New Vegas, hated Fallout3, but I had hope that Bethesda would entertain me again with Skyrim and they did, very good game (far from perfect but a very well made game).
Reckoning definatly isnt a skyrim killer (dont know who on earth has been saying that but its silly lol). But its a good game in its own right, somethigns it does better (combat) and a bunch of other things it does not do aswell. Id actually say Reckoning has much more in common with Diablo2, Neverwinter Nights or Fable then Skyrim.
I am a gamer first, no fanboy or hater, so far I have enjoyed both Skyrim and Reckoning a good deal. Two totally differnt rpgs, but both with some very good qualities. Only played 5-6 hours of Reckoning so far but id say Kevin had it right with his review, its about a 7.5 or 8/10 which is still a very good game. Maybe not GOTY like Skyrim, but still a pretty good rpg.
Anyways, /RANT OFF, just wanted to say that there are some pc gamers that do enjoy old school or hardcore rpgs and do still appreciate what Bethesda has done with Skyrim.
Very good post, agree with a lot of it. Can't agree with you regarding Amular though havent played the full game yet (c'mon 5pm!). I doubt it's anywhere near a Skyrim killer though (based on demo)...Skyrim is my game of the decade though lol. Who care if it isn't though? If it's still fun that's all that matters in my book.
I'll just leave off by saying this...I love Skyrim...I've been replaying Temple of Elemental Evil this last week...and I can't wait to play Kingdom of Amular.
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