Hi all, my last set of headphones broke over the weekend and I am looking to buy a new pair. I am looking at the "Sennheiser HD 280 Pro" and had a listen in store today. The sound quality was amazing and they appear to have many great reviews online. My only concern is a lot of people mention they are a little light on the bass. As I will be using these headphones for a fair amount of gaming I was wondering how much of an issue this was... for example, when a grenade explodes next to me in a game I really like to *feel* like I'm being blown away. I'm also into the survival/horror genre (silent hill/FEAR/Dead Space 2 etc.) and obviously sound quality is of great importance in terms of emmersion in those games. Does anyone have any experience with these headphones, or could point me towards another brand? Cheers!
They are the only headphones i've owned and i love um :D I'm wondering if there is a big difference between them and the $150 Audio Technica M50s i was looking at, also they say to get a headphone amp to power them and they will sound even better.
Sennheiser makes excellent headphones; other recommendations in these forums are likely to be of the same brand, though possibly another model. If you listed to them in the store, but were only listening to music, check the store's return policy before you buy them or ask them if you can plug it into a console at the store. If they will allow returns, bring them home and try them out in your own setup; it's the best way to evaluate them. Boz
Thanks for all the replies guys. I went with the Audio Technica A500's. They are really comfortable and produce awesome sound. One thing though is the positional audio in games, or rather lack thereof. My $20 set of logitechs are better in this respect. I was wondering if this is a flaw of the headphones, or will the positional audio get better after burning in for a while?
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