I played the game. I loved it. Finally, after the glitchy Gothic 3, Pyranha Bytes made an awesome game that brings me a nostalgic feeling.
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Actually i'm trying to decided between 2 games, I either want to buy Risen or Dragon Age Origins, I know both are pretty different games, but what would you guys recommend me getting? I played the Risen demo and I did enjoy it alot. But I want a new differant type of RPG and DAO seems like the right one.
Best RPG since The Witcher, maybe even a little better.
EXTREMELY under-rated - I just started Chapter 2, and I'm completely addicted. Easily my RPG of the year.
I loved Risen. I finished it last week. The game is fun to play. The dungeons have some fun traps and small puzzles to make things interesting. Some of the creatures in the game are fun to fight, as you progress. The English voice acting is decent. It's also a very pretty game to look at.
@Hockey_Slayer: I'm about 25 hours into DA:O and it's a very well done game. Completely different style of rpg than Risen, so be warned. Don't expect Oblivion or Gothic 3 style gaming. It's more similar to NWN2...but better. If you like party-based rpgs where you have to make important tactical decisions by controlling several different party members at once, Dragon Age is for you. Dragon Age is also very story-driven, as well...so if that appeals to you, then go for it.
pretty good. i actually like it more than Dragon Age, but it's probably because i expected ALOT from the latter.
Oh, amazing game. When Americans created their 1st 3d-game with Lara Croft they set the standards of the genre which had to be followed by any game-maker in the world. Lara could swim and dive. Two first Gothics followed the set standards (evidently the memory was still fresh those times). But seemingly it proved to be unbearably difficult for a German game-maker to keep following them further. In Gothic 3 their avatar already cannot dive and climb, though still swims. In Risen he finally lost even the ability to swim. Anticipating the next German 2d-game when he will also lose the ability to run and turn around. And (counting the contents of the dialogs) - to talk. Cardi
I loved Risen, and I also enjoyed Gothic 1-3 alot to. Gothic 3 was pretty bad when it first got released, but all the patches its gotten since and the amazing enhanced community version 1.7 makes the game alot better.
Risen is in my top 5 games of 2009, out of all systems/platforms. Very very underrated game imo.
PB just knows how to make amazing game worlds that are fun to explore.
According to the demo i played looks like an 8 game imo My biggest problem actually is that is not optimized ( had to drop to medium settings with my 8800gt and is not a game that needs that much horsepower ) but then again this was only the demoadamosmaki
Game is optimized well imo, i only had on crash to desktop in about 70 hours. Also never had any framerate dips either, and i had graphics as high as they can go.
Maybe its just because you where playing the demo?
The game was enjoyable but forgetable to me.
The whole game felt half finished with a lot of poor elements such as sloppy UI, unintitive elements, very few character models (I kept walking past the same NPC who stood out because he looked a little like Chuck Noris.. it becomes wierd third or fourth time you see Chuck Noris walk past you in an RPG). A lot of the leveling system was pointless. For example the crafting skills. They cost a few points and had almost no actual effect on the game (Making scrolls and black smithing for example). It felt like they had shoved a crappy crafting system in there while working overtime shortly before launch just so they could say they had a crafting system. In addition to that, generic story, poor voice acting and combat that sometimes sucked terribly (I remeber a number of the mobs teleporting back and forth when you swung at them for no obvious reason).
However with all the flaws and poorly done elements it was a very enjoyable RPG once you got past the issues. The game world was very small for an opened 'sandbox game'. but at least that made it easy to get round and easy to figure out what was what.
So yeah, I thought it was a flawed game but I still had quite a bit of fun playing thorugh it. I'd give it 7.5/10.. maybe an 8 if I was feeling generous.
I might be getting some of the details wrong since I played it right after launch and haven't touched it since. I do remember the jewelry now. Regarding the double tabbing, the problem here is that's meant to be a dodge function, however it means that swinging at someone that's right in front of you.. you might miss because halfway through the swing he stops being there and reappears a short distance away. As far as I was concerned it felt like bad design. But again,I found that to be the nature of Risen. Tons of minor issues, poor UI, poor explanations but still a fun game in spite of all the issues.Making scrolls is very important if you're not a mage, and blacksmithing allows you to create magic jewelry.
You can also "teleport" by double tapping the movement keys.
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