So I have had this idea in my head for a while. Basically I've always thought it be nice to have a computer (laptop or desktop) that was strictly for games, with like two dozen or games all installed at the same time. Most of the games are from the late 1990's and early 2000's, so there not too demanding considering modern stadards.
My brother suggusted that maybe I should build a computer? Is this a good idea? Should I just buy a cheap computer and fix it up?
I'm not very good when it comes to computer specs but I was thinking specs somethine like this:
*At least 2.25 if not up 3GHz processor
*At leat 1GB of RAM if not more
*At least 300GB of HDD
*256MB video card
*Windows XP with Internet
Here is a list of the games I like to have on this fictional computer (some I own now, some I plan on getting):
* Empire Total War
* Medieval Total War 1
* Medieval Total War 2
* Shogun 2: Total War
* Fallout 1
* Fallout 2
* Half Life 1
* Half Life 2
* Portal 1
* Portal 2
* TERA (maybe)
* World in Conflict
* Sniper Ghost Warrior
* Battlefield 2
* Civilization 2
* Civilization 4
* Age of Empires 3
* Rise of Nations
* RollerCoaster Tycoon 1
* Simcity 3000
* Stronghold
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