Okay. So here's my take on both Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World:
1)System Requirements
Guild Wars 2 did a great job at being accessible to many different hardware configurations. The Secret World requires a bit more power especially if you would live to play on higher settings.
2)Graphics, Environment, and Setting
As you know both games are completely different from each other as far as the settings goes. The Secret World does an excellent job of creating a horror-MMORPG and recreating the world that we see today. I find that some people might find the realism(or what's in it) lacking any creativity. Reality is you're not fighting on Mars or some Tolkien-esqued world. There's even a "dungeon" where you take on a creature in NYC's Time Square; with that said it's done well. If you love HP Lovecraft, you'll fit right in. Guild Wars 2 setting isn't high-fantasy but it has it's own style of approaching things. You will find some vistas to be a bit more generic than others but the game world is very colorful. The art style of GW2 is also a big plus in creating it's atmosphere. But I do find The Secret World more immersive; and the visuals do a good job of that. Animation and character models in Guild Wars 2 are also a big plus over The Secret World. For me, when I watch TSW cutscenes every once in awhile I laugh simply because the facial animations can be horrible or elderly women look like men with a heavy jaw.
3)Questing and Storytelling
Talk about streamlining your adventure even more; Guild Wars 2 literally keeps the paced up with the way quests are delivered. You don't have really talk to an NPC or make deliveries. As long as you're in a questing area, you'll be thrown right into the thick of it. If you leave and jump to something else the player can always return; and finished what he/she started. The Secret World follows more traditional questing but just like GW2, once you receive a quest you do not have to return to the NPC to receive your reward. Both games have your typical MMORPG quest but The Secret World has something a bit more interesting. Investigation missions in TSW make you become Sherlock Holmes and challenge you with some intriguing puzzles that can actually become difficult to solve. This is probably one of the more interesting parts of The Secret World, and they are so rewarding. You are even offered a in-game web browser to help you solve your mysterious(and it's recommended to use). I also give storytelling in TSW a win over Guild Wars 2. For me, the adventure in both games aren't bad but The Secret World's story is way more interesting.
4)Combat, Classes, and Skills
Both games encourage players to play the way they want. Even though certain combinations of weapons and skills are more effiecent than others; both GW2 and TSW are by far more forgiving to players who rolled a character they might feel isn't complete incomparison to other MMORPGs(at least on the PvE side of things). Guild Wars 2 combat feels so good in your hands and it looks fantastic! And if you love two-handed weaponry and always wanted to swing a greatsword like Cloud Strife then you'll get your chance. And if you like wielding firearms The Secret World has plenty! Guild Wars 2 uses different classes without the holy-trinity(tanks, support, healer, etc) and The Secret World is classless with players building characters to support the holy-trinity system. Both provide plenty of different playing styles but Guild Wars 2 allows players to be a bit more versatile from the get-go. As with the Secret World you can eventually train one character to have every available skill. In both games you are limited to a certain amount of abilities to use in combat. That's all dependent on the two(or one) weapons you've selected to use and the abilities you've unlocked. And both games provides some interesting attacks and combinations. As far as challenge goes both Guild Wars 2 and The Secret World stay on equal footing in the beginning, but if you're looking for more difficulty later on I suggest The Secret World. Much of Guild Wars 2 true challenge is provided in the dungeons and it's definitely a different type of experience(a good one) in comparison to some other MMOs.
Guild Wars 2 has a higher population than The Secret World; and the way quest are designed you're always playing with other people. I like that since I hate playing MMORPGs by myself. But even with TSW smaller community(and the influx of players) it is still easy to play with one another. If you're a roleplayer The Secret World definitely wins in that regard. There are enough players in both games to play with and you'll see them everywhere.
6)Loot and Cash Shop
Let's clear this up! Both game's cash shops do not follow the Pay-To-Win concept. Many of the items in the shop are more cosmetic or provide a temporary boost. Loot however is way more abundant in Guild Wars 2 and useful. There is tons of armor and weapons in GW2 and it's more easy to obtain what you want. Guild Wars 2 armor is also not just cosmetic. In The Secret World talismans provide defense and other stats for your character; but the clothing is purely for show. But unlike Guild Wars 2 you'll see more unqiue looking players in TSW. A positive for Guild Wars 2 is that you can change the color of your armor on the fly by acquiring dyes!
7)PvP vs PvE
No explaination. Guild Wars 2 hands down has the better PvP. In my opinion much still needs to be done with The Secret World's PvP. Even though I had fun with the PvE in Guild Wars 2, you'll be a bit more intimate with what's going on in The Secret World. For me it was just a much more immersive experience. I will admit that both games do create a living world with many things to interact with. But Guild Wars 2 does it a whole lot better since you'll be doing(and completing) multiple objectives at any given time.
I do not like the way items are crafted in The Secret World; in fact I find it to be more cumbersome than previous games. It's all about dissembling and assembling material; and you're always wondering if you have enough of whatever to create what you want. And earlier in the game it's pretty much useless to the average TSW player simply because of the available auction house. But crafting in Guild Wars 2 is so fun, accessible, and useful. You can only use two crafting professions at a time. Plus there's a spot in your bank where you can collect and save material for future use!!!!!
There are some other things that I didn't talk about. Choosing one is all going to be about preference. I do think that Guild Wars 2 is a more complete game than The Secret World. But I enjoy the atmosphere, the investigation missions, the character progression, the story, and PvE that The Secret World has to offer. It's also a more challenging and rewarding game. Both games are very accessible but more so Guild Wars 2. It's easier to get from point A to point B, combat is a bit more reponsive, crafting is fun, and the PvP is just a huge plus. If you like to run through your enemies and complete multiple quest quickly Guild Wars 2 won't waste your time.
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