CnC 3's online is completely busted at the moment so if your buying it for the multi player you might want to look elsewhere :? and the online service for it is Gamespy and to my dismay I don't think EA has any plans of making there own online service which means it may be broke forever :?
Gamespy is truly horrible for trying to place online games. I played in the MTW2 tourny and i cant even remember the number of times i got kicked cause i lost connection.
Supreme Commander is more innovative and ambitious while Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars is more polished. I'd personally get SupCom. I'd recommend you play the demos for both and decide for yourself which you think would be worth your time and money.
I have played both CnC3 and SupCom, so I hope to make an impartial decision. CnC3 has a lot more polish, as mentioned above, it has more personality and I find it much easier to access and fun to play. SupCom would be the game of choice for the hardcore RTS fans. SupCom is more complex, a little more innovative while CnC3 is more classic. To be honest, I like CnC3 better. Sure, many argue SupCom is better. But after playing SupCom for about 2 hours, I got sick of it as it was kind of slow and it just lacked zazz.
C&C3. Supreme Commander involves no in-combat tactics due to its over-massive scale. It's a matter of 300 look-alike units attacking 300 other look-alike units.
Play the demos before you make a choice, I personally like C&C3 more, SupCom is 2 slow for me, especially when people turtle.. Im more of a fast paced RTS type of guy(WC3, Starcraft, and C&C3)
Well, since you do have a good computer, then I would recommend supcom. I never played cnc3, but I have heard of some pretty bad online issues with Gamespy. Cnc3 probably has a better campaign than supcom (supcom's first few campaign missions were kinda boring and the story isnt that gripping), but supcom's skirmish and online mode really kick ass. If you have a friend you can also play hamachi lan games since you dont need the disc to play it (with the latest patch). PS, the demo of supcom kind of sucks, so dont base your judgement on playing the demo. The demo includes the first two levels of the cybran campaign and a skirmish on a tiny 5x5 km map.
[QUOTE="Airek49"]C&C3. Supreme Commander involves no in-combat tactics due to its over-massive scale. It's a matter of 300 look-alike units attacking 300 other look-alike units. Thats not true at all man, if your going to talk about a game learn what your talking about first please. In Supreme Commander you need to use a good mix of units that are to be moved and tactically and strategically used in different ways, if you just merely throw a horde of units into anyone other then a total noob you are going to greatly regret it. CnC has a lot of potential, but in it's current form it plays much more like what you described then Supcom does, just mass tanks and throw them at your opponent=victory in CnC 3, I'd dare say even at the present moment Supcom has more tactical gameplay then CnC 3 let alone strategic in which CnC virtually none in comparison to supcom. CnC might be great 5 months from now, but between the balance issues and the horrible online that is broke (GAMESPY) I can't recommend it.
Try the C&C3 demo, the graphics and special effects will dazzle you but wait till you play the first GDI mission. You'll have a feeling of deja vu, it's just like the first time I played C&C1 11 years ago. It's a recycled game with very beautiful graphics and animation, I bet EA will be milking that franchise for a very long time, expect lots of expansions.
[QUOTE="Airek49"]C&C3. Supreme Commander involves no in-combat tactics due to its over-massive scale. It's a matter of 300 look-alike units attacking 300 other look-alike units. Supreme Commander does have tactics. Formations can be used to strengthen a group of units and, as this game is simulation-based, moving your units around while the enemy fires at you will help you dodge attacks.
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