CS:S isn't better for anyone who takes the game a bit seriously. The game is dumbed down in every possible aspect. The guns have a lot less recoil, you can see enemies on the radar, you get full ammo for your guns, you can't shoot through walls etc. Shooting through walls is a really important feature of CS, being good at it can be a deciding factor in a match. Add to that all the useless rubble lying around the maps and the ridiculous flashes (they're that because it doesn't matter if you turn around, you still get flashed which means better players aren't at an advantage).
CS 1.6 is a game that has been refined for almost a decade. CS:S is a new game from the ground up, it doesn't capture anything of what makes CS great. I don't think it's any different from any other CS clone out there. The ragdoll death animations are pretty ridiculous too, compared to the awesome headshot animations in 1.6 (I've seen ragdolls fly at people who've headshotted them). The devil's in the details, and CS:S doesn't capture the details, like crouchpeeking for example.
1.6's visuals may be outdated, but they're functional. Not all games are about visuals. A chess game does not get any better because of 3D graphics. 1.6 has simplistic geometry that does not get in the way of the game.
"yeah half of those guys are cheater/hackers lol" really?
I don't run into more than maybe 1 or 2 cheaters a month, in pubs. I do get banned a lot from pubs myself. There are a lot of people with a lot of skill at the game, and those people get accused of cheating... a lot. 1.6 has 4 times more players than CS:S because CS:S isn't an option for those who're serious about the game. There's general consensus among top players that CS:S isn't as good of a competitive game as 1.6 is.
I'm not saying you can't enjoy CS:S, but it IS more streamlined in order to appeal to casual players. This isn't an e-sports forum and as such I'd assume people to recommend CS:S. Don't be offended by my opinion.
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