Well what can we all say... Has WoW basically failed us by continuosly updating its content to the extent where you just give up? I was pretty darn excited about the release of TLK but soon discovered how bad this "upgrade" was... so i quit... 3 months running, and now i am lookin to return... but there is another option "WAR" after researching the games features and contents, it seems exactly the same as WoW with more of a PVP flare, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY no upgrades... but one cannot just turn down WoW after many years of high class gaming. So which game should I play? should it be WoW? OR shall it be WAR? reasons should be provided...
Shall we decide what foods you like and your favourite colour for you too? You know what WoW is. Get a WAR trial. Play it. Decide yourself. Letting other people choose how you spend your time is just silly.
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