I want to upgrade to a pc so what do I need to get? And what is the best equipment. Can't stand consoles anymore the anti aliasing is so bad.
I want to upgrade to a pc so what do I need to get? And what is the best equipment. Can't stand consoles anymore the anti aliasing is so bad.
Just asking for best equipment is too broad - narrow this down to budget ... how much are you willing to spend for a gaming system ? Will you be looking for parts and build the system yourself, are you looking for pre-made system ? The way you've phraised this topic of yours is hardly helpful either ...
I want to upgrade to a pc so what do I need to get? And what is the best equipment. Can't stand consoles anymore the anti aliasing is so bad.
Anti aliasing is what makes you want to be on PC? lol First, at least give us the budget you have for this.
I want to upgrade to a pc so what do I need to get? And what is the best equipment. Can't stand consoles anymore the anti aliasing is so bad.
I can tell you that AMD is cheaper with good or equal performance. But the fan could make more noise which is annoying. There is the watercooling solution but it cost something. I'm going to watercooling on my AMD system soon if I can.
Than you need to define a price range. I can say that you will need to pay like at least 1000 if not 1200 to get a good pc that can run games like Xbox 360. Lower than that the graphics won't be that good but still good. And for games like BF4, you need to pay at least 1000 imo.
Welcome in PCGAMING. You did the good choice.
@klunt_bumskrint: no I mean the anti aliasing is bad because if it was good there wwould be minimal aliasing in the first place
eh... if you're having trouble enjoying your PS4 because you can't put down the video settings then PC might be opening up a can of worms. There's always one higher level settings you could hit if your hardware was just a bit better. And once you hit that level, there's always a mod that makes things better (but might break something else). Meanwhile, having the ability to tweak one setting also introduces you to the problem that it affects performance... aliasing was bothering you, so you crank up AA but now your framerates are less stable. So that bugs you, so you turn down texture quality. But now the texture quality doesn't look as good so that bugs you. So now you're wondering if the AA was really worth it or if you should just get a better graphics card or maybe you should go with higher texture quality but lower render distance or......
I love gaming on PC, but not because of AA. Just be forewarned. Gaming on console looks worse, but it also takes away opportunities for your to get stuck in an OCD rut on things
(for people who don't understand why I'm talking about this, note that the OP has a thread in PS forum about struggling with their OCD and getting hung up on TV image quality settings instead of spending time having fun and gaming)
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