There is a release date for the game in a recent magazine: June 4th.biggest_loser
How did they word the release date? For instance, did they say Remedy confirmed this date? Did they just say "it's coming out June 4th?" Was it just in a stat listing like "release date: June 4th"?
Because I have my doubts about the legitimacy of such a date. In Remedy's offical FAQ, which was last updated January 30th, they still it's "when it's done."
'When is Alan Wake going to be released?
"When it's done"
Lasse Seppänen, producer on Alan Wake, says quality is priority number one in the production of Alan Wake. "We're not tied to a schedule, we don't have to aim at a monolithic release date. If we can make a better game by giving it more time, that's the way we'll go. That doesn't mean, however, that we'd mean to be working on Alan Wake five years from now."
"While "When it's done" works for us, the concept sometimes seems hard to grasp for the media and press." - SamiV
"Yeah, we have a target date, which we intend to hit. We're pretty strict on ourselves that way. However, game quality comes first, so if the game isn't as good as it has to be, we'll start either looking at moving the date, or figuring out how to add more resources so that we'll be able to polish it to the level it needs to be." - Petri
"We haven't announced a release date yet - we are a small team that is focused on delivering an amazing game experience, and that requires time and patience." - Markus Maki'
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