I'll go first ^^
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My friend always raged on me for not having an xbox360 because of GEARS being like the best game ever... haha, in your face.
(and I can even brag about having an editor, extra content, mods, and better online!(hopefully better online.. I only want dedicated servers.))
Unfortunately, Gears of War is #4 on a list of three games I must have by Christmas list.
Ill get it when the price drops down to around 30 or so problably. I already played it on 360, and cant justify 50 bucks for a six-hour game (well, maybe 7 hours with the extra content).
First game on my list is Call of Duty 4...
next is Crysis (would be first but CoD4 comes out first)
after that it's Supreme Commander: Forged Aliance
but eventually, by eventually i mean as soon as i beat those three games (december or january-ish), I'll get it
without a demo I dont know...regardless of how well it did on the 360, my expectations are way higher for pc games. consoles are goodfor racing and sports gamespuffydoggI will be getting it no matter what because i just liked how epic combined 3 kinds of gameplay in to a solid presentation & adding something of theyr own like the chainsaw , hammer of dawn & the mini puzzle reloading system + a few things more .... because Assassins Creed isn't comeming to PC this year this & KAne & Lycnh: Dead Men are my moist expected games !
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