Hi i am planing to buy the case and i have that gpu my question is will it fit the case? also is it a good matx case? or will i bee better with a fractal design define mini? also will the silvestone SG02-F fit an h70?
Fractal cases are one of the best IMO, but forget the mATX if you are getting that card. Iim not sure its gonna fit. Get the regular ATX instead. I have it and its perfect.
Fractal cases are one of the best IMO, but forget the mATX if you are getting that card. Iim not sure its gonna fit. Get the regular ATX instead. I have it and its perfect.lucky_star
i already have the gpu and acording to the website the sg02 fits up to 14 inch of gpu http://www.silverstonetek.com/product.php?pid=182&area=en but i want to know the experiences of other people, the reason for matx case is that i might end up moving to another country i will want to take my pc with me
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