For me, WoW has been a love hate relationship since the Burning Crusade. Pre-shattering I had not played WoW for a little over a year and was quite content with other games. I obtained it for free as a Christmas gift so I figured at the very worse I'm out the monthly fee. I started a new character on a random server playing a gnome, since I was interested in seeing the new content. Once you get into the main starting zones things have changed quite a bit, yes its a new twist on an old classic, like adding orange zest to chocolate cake. Is it awkward for some? Sure, pleasurable for others. Totally.
Once you hit Outlands and Northrend though its the same old game which made me want to stop playing. So I picked up my trust lvl 80 dusted her off and went to experience the new high level content, I was pleasantly surprised by the story. It feels like they put a bit more effort into the quests then before, I also enjoyed how the zone was like experiencing a great big story line (which was a little different then the slew of "Kill X of beast Y; bring back tusks/fangs/livers/ect.)
I'd say if you have the money to spend its not the worst investment you'll ever make.
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