Since Cataclysm came out should I be getting back into WoW?

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#1 DmadFearmonger
Member since 2009 • 5169 Posts

Reasons I quit: I got bored of the level 80 repetitiveness and PvP sucked on my realm cause there were so many more Horde players (I was horde also) It just lost It's challenge.

If I were to start on a new realm and buy Cataclysm would I maybe enjoy it more? Is it still repetitive as always? Weave your magic Gamespot.

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#2 wis3boi
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It's the same thing you've been doing since day one, with a new coat of paint on it.

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#3 NeoGen85
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I would try giving RIFT a chance. That games draws a lot of similarities to World of Warcraft. The character system is actually a bit more unique(they call it the soul system). You can be a warrior, cleric, rogue, or a mage. Within each category are 8 difference sub-classes. You can mix match 3 of the 8. The world events are actually pretty good; the best I've seen in a MMORPG. Plus the the scale of the game is really huge. It sounds like you're a big fan of PvP. I know a lot of RIFT players who enjoy it. I'm pretty sure it's fun but because of the options available for building your avatar there will be imbalances. One phrase you'll hear from the RIFT community is that, "you don't raid the game, the game raids you". And that's true. Trion has reported 1,000,000 subscribers and it keeps growing. I'll admit it's the best alternative to World of Warcraft on the market right now.

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#4 Maroxad
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WoW is still the same old in terms of end game. Still as repetitive. However the dungeons are more challenging, but the PvP is really broken atm. WoW has evolved very little, to be honest, I would call it one of the most stagnant/least improved mmos out there, if anything, the game has gone backwards.

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#5 -Unreal-
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Any game you play for as long as people play MMOs get repetitive.

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#6 ionusX
Member since 2009 • 25780 Posts

Reasons I quit: I got bored of the level 80 repetitiveness and PvP sucked on my realm cause there were so many more Horde players (I was horde also) It just lost It's challenge.

If I were to start on a new realm and buy Cataclysm would I maybe enjoy it more? Is it still repetitive as always? Weave your magic Gamespot.


same old same old.. your better of spening the 30 bucks on steam on a few dozen indie games and enevr getting bored for a few months

thats what i did during the x-mas sale i got like 10 indie games..s till palying many of them

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#7 digitaldame
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For me, WoW has been a love hate relationship since the Burning Crusade. Pre-shattering I had not played WoW for a little over a year and was quite content with other games. I obtained it for free as a Christmas gift so I figured at the very worse I'm out the monthly fee. I started a new character on a random server playing a gnome, since I was interested in seeing the new content. Once you get into the main starting zones things have changed quite a bit, yes its a new twist on an old classic, like adding orange zest to chocolate cake. Is it awkward for some? Sure, pleasurable for others. Totally.

Once you hit Outlands and Northrend though its the same old game which made me want to stop playing. So I picked up my trust lvl 80 dusted her off and went to experience the new high level content, I was pleasantly surprised by the story. It feels like they put a bit more effort into the quests then before, I also enjoyed how the zone was like experiencing a great big story line (which was a little different then the slew of "Kill X of beast Y; bring back tusks/fangs/livers/ect.)

I'd say if you have the money to spend its not the worst investment you'll ever make.

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#8 gt350tsc
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I'd say its worth the 40$ plus the 30$ for game time card to level and experience the single player content which is some of the best mmo questing I've ever seen. And I really mean that Worgen starting zone had a really good story but sad that you have to roll an undead to see the rest of it. Goblins starting zone was pretty fun a little gimmicky but still good. 1-60 was a blast much much better then the old 1-60 they really did a great job. 80-85 was pretty epic as well as I would put it the Icing on the cake for me. But after you hit 85 then you hit end game this where the your enjoyment is really gonna ride on who you know and what guild your in. If your in a capable guild that works to gather and has the skill to down heroics and raid content then your gonna have a pretty good time. But If your in a guild that I was that couldn't even down normal ICC 10/25man as a guild then the fun stops there. People that refuse or just can't understand boss fights or people that just aren't dedicated enough to do the raid becomes problems. I don't perhaps its just my luck with guilds for example. I was in a guild that couldn't even get though naxx 25 yet I joined a pug naxx 25 and downed the whole raid in one night (O.O). I suppose I would still playing WoW if I could find the right guild for person such as myself but I guess I just got tired and didn't really try much in cata. Perhaps someday I'll give it another go. It does make me bit sad that I would end having to leave my old guild but I want to see end game content and not sit in vent for hours waiting for the raid to from then wipe a few time and then people start quitting :(
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#9 frnk55
Member since 2010 • 260 Posts

I was excited when it came out but 1 month later I quit and this time for good. The game is so easy to level it makes it dull.

Btw, I love you're avatar! Piss off Vivian!

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#10 sexygirl6t9
Member since 2011 • 237 Posts
I wouldn't come back. I am finally quitting after 6 years. Nothing eye opening this expansion. You will just get burnt out after a few hours of play.
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#11 Inconsistancy
Member since 2004 • 8094 Posts
I wouldn't come back. I am finally quitting after 6 years. Nothing eye opening this expansion. You will just get burnt out after a few hours of play.sexygirl6t9
Pretty much, my account has been nice and frozen for a few months now.
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#12 i5750at4Ghz
Member since 2010 • 5839 Posts

Why not. I went back played through the new heroics and raids then quit again. Enjoy the new content while it's new then leave before you burn yourself out. WoW is great in moderation, but like anything it gets really boring if it's all you focus on. I've complete every tier since t4, and have never played for longer than maybe 2 months at a time. If you don't take breaks from WoW of course it will get boring.

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#13 edinsftw
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The leveling up is alot better, the endgame is worse imo. I do mostly pvp and WoW has never been very good on that front anyway.

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#14 deactivated-5ef52b89b6fd0
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I quit wow over a year ago, since have tried Dcuo and rift to try and fill that spot. I just started playing wow again today, yesterday i gave up on rift, just dont think the game is very good have alot of reasons but dont feel like listing them. Point is playing wow back to back with rift, just shows how bad rift really is. I am having a blast leveling, started a new toon because i forgot how to play and wanted to level trough the new zones. I anm in no hurry to get my 2 80s to 85, just want to enjoy a mmo for once with out grinding for the end content. Wow is the best there is right now, being gone so long I can see that now, key is to not burn yourself out or you will leave for ripoffs like rift just for change.

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#15 morrowindnic
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It is still boring and is still WoW. It is greatly improved though. But, in the end it still becomes a boring grind.