Why would anybody want to enable V-Sync? To get lower performance?
See what I did there?
There's a lot of misunderstanding out there about what vsync does and what it's for.
First off, you can't ever have an actual framerate that exceeds your monitor's refresh rate, period. So if you have an LCD monitor that has a refresh rate of 60 hz then 60 fps is the maximum framerate that can ever be displayed on that monitor in the same way that you can never exceed your monitor's screen resolution.
Short Version: It's 100% pointless to have a framerate higher than 60 (unless you have a special monitor).
Even if fraps is showing a framerate of 150, 90 of those frames are never being seen; they're just being rendered in the background and never making it to your eye. In other words, you're seeing a maximum of 60 fps no matter what the framerate number shows.
Short Version: FPS numbers lie to you.
With vsync off, the game will display pieces of a frame instead of a whole frame. This results in what is called "tearing". Tearing is ugly and by most accounts worse looking than a low framerate. If you're panning your camera from side to side things like trees will look disjointed with the top part of the tress in one spot on the screen, the middle section an inch or so to the side, and the bottom section another inch or so to the side. In this example, this is because the video card is showing you 3 different frames in a single refresh and each frame is in a different position so they're not synched up.
Short Version: Tearing is ugly and defeats the purpose of having a high framerate (which is smooth movement).
What vsync does is force the video card to display full frames within each monitor refresh rather than pieces of different frames smooshed together. The result is that you don't get any more tearing. Each frame is clean and whole. Since the video card is no longer allowed to try and con you with pieces of frames this has the side effect of forcing the card to come clean about what you're actually seeing and start telling the truth about your framerate (which can never exceed 60).
Short Version: Vsync stops ugly screen tearing and forces the fps numbers to tell the truth.
Once you discover what vsync does and doesn't do you'll never want to turn it off.
Misunderstanding? I think we understand that your not really a pc gamer.
Play a game like quakelive.com which is defaulted at 125 fps. then compare that to 60 fps cap. You will notice a huge ass diff in the smoothness of the game and your aim. Especially in an fps. And this is with a 60hz monitor only.
there is a huge diff from 30 to 60......and its the SAME EXACT DIFF AND FEEL, from 60 to 120 fps. but under 50 is unplayable imo. no matter what your monitor is, I'm sorry. But your just another case of spouting theories you prolly read online and in books.
but sure a 120 hz monitor is gonna feel a hell of alot smoother and clearer then a 60 hz one. but I have to say going from caping a games fps at 60 to 125 will make a huge diff in feel no matter what the hz of the monitor is. Like i said go install quakelive and test out your theory.....lmao
another little fact that these widescreen lcd's, in my experience, have atrocious screen tearing. which is why i have to play with vsync on for every game. The only game i don't use vsync on is a game like quakelive which i play at 125 fps. because it makes a huge diff in how GOOD I am at the game period, and how my mouse movement reacts and how smooth it looks. The problem is these new games can't run as good. Even skyrim is like 10 year old tech on a new age hardware. These new "modern" (sarcasm) game engines are made for 60 fps.....because they can't even handle anything faster. but theres a huge diff between 60 and 120....and You can't convince me I'm imagining it dude. I'm a real gamer. I dont' just post on theories on forums.
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