It didn't do bad I dont think. Hell, Mirrors Edge did worse I am sure, and EA is giving it a sequel. I kinda lump the 2 in a similar category though, in that they both are great and innovative games (SD is better overall in my opinion) with many flaws.
I think if SE gave them time/money to really create an even better sequel with good graphics and animations then promote it with a nice trailer/commercial, it could be huge. My biggest issue with the game on a technical standpoint is the animations. The game runs quite well on my PC (GTX670 maxed out at 1080P) , I just wish his running was a bit less silly looking, and facial animations fit the interesting and usually well done voice acting.
It did have really great graphics. Some of the best I've ever seen in an open world game. They could do so much more in a sequel, so I really hope it gets one.
I think if console gamers will see how good the sequel would look on PS4 and Xbone it would have a chance of selling a lot on those system as well (see the hype of Watch Dogs soley about graphics).
sometimes the graphics looked great, sometimes they were rough. But in that aspect they were more than fine for me, I am more concerned with animations (though the fighting animations were great). Basically his running and facial animations. Animations are very important to me in a realistic, story based game :P.
And yeah, as a side note, this and SRIII both look better than GTA IV and run A LOT better. I know GTA IV is older, but my gosh that game is a technical nightmare.
PS - Watch Dogs interests me because of story. I like Person of Interest (TV show) and it looks a lot like that.
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