Hello, I am having problems with my SLI config of two 9600 gt. I have previously used a single Asus 9600 gt and in crysis warhead at Enthusiast settings at 1680x1050 i had an averge of 19-20 fps and in farcry 2 everything on maximum and AAx2 i am getting around 25-30fps. However when i installed the second 9600 gt (exact same card) I am still getting bascially the same fps and sometimes they get even worse. I tried the 3dmark06 BEFORE i installed the second gpu and had a score of 11000 and then after i installed the second gpu i got a score of 14500. I have enabled SLI in the nvidia control, i have attached the SLI bridge and on my mobo (asus P5N-E Sli) i have also set the little red card to two vga cards. So does anyone have any idea what my fps in crysis warhead and farcry 2 are the same and sometimes even worse when i put the cards in SLI? i have updated all my nforce drivers and the geforce drivers as well.
my specs are; Core 2 duo E6850 3.0GHz @3.3Ghz 2 Gig DDR2 ram @880Mhz 2 x Asus 9600 gt in SLI Windows XP SP3
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