Honestly I don't know if I was dreaming but as I was half asleep I hear a commercial and towards the end I hear "we aren't in azeroth anymore"..
I shot up and just looked and was like wow...someone is actually taking it to these guys.
So I go online and do some research about this new MMORPG...oh another MMORPG, cool.
The only MMORPG I'm looking forward to right now is Diablo 3 (which will never come out =[) and SWOR.
After reading the reviews, the story, characters, and just the whole overview I'm not going to lie I was pretty much sold. I'm not the type of person to say, "oh yeah, bye wow, later wow, peace wow." I heard plently of people saying that about all the past MMO's, but we all know who still is taking control of that world.
First off, Rift looks like warhammer/dark age of camelot just by watching the videos. The only thing I really like is the fact you have 3 talent classes and can build your character in any way shape or form. That opens up al lot of options for players who are sick and tired of cookie cutter builds and everyone running around with the same talent set up.
I'm going to try it I think, just because it's something new and why not? Maybe it'll be a huge hit, but I'm going to go in this time with NO expectations cause the last time I did that, warhammer and Aion both failed me.
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