Hi. Im playing Half Life 2 and the next chapter is Ravenholm! Now, everyones been saying this is a VERY scary level. Im getting scared of this game already. Now, I've looked at the walkthough on youtube and it doesn't seem THAT bad. But still, it looks so gory and earie at the same time. Any advice for Ravenholm?
Well, for one be ready to see a big fat Poison Headcrab dude(I forgot a lot of the names, haven't played the game in ages) because he throws Poison headcrabs at you, and those things take your health down to zero until you give it time to regenerate. Second of all check your corners and look behind every few seconds to avoid and unexpected scares. Also be ready to meet an epic new breed of zombies, the fast running one, those things can climb building and all that jazz. Last of all remember that there are a lot of fake dead people there, so as long as a corpse has a headcrab on it's head, shoot it... in it's head of course.
That's all that I remember.
Oh and don't bother trying to kill the guy who will help you out occasionally, because first of all you can't, and second of all you need him.
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