Hey guys. My current Dell rig is really dead in the water right now in terms of gaming, and I'm definately going to start from scratch this summer. I've got my mid-range AMD rig (for cost issues) all mapped out - 5200+ processor, 8800 GTS, EVGA N590 mobo....
However, I was just reading a PC buying guide and it talked about Q6600 prices dropping to E6600 prices within a few months. Then I read about AMDs new Quad Core processors being released in July.
So my question is: should I buy a new computer as planned in early July, as new CPUs will be too expensive for me or wont come out for ages, or should I wait until I get back from my holiday in mid August to upgrade when quad core stuff will be more available? Keep in mind that I don't want to spend any more than what the 5200+ is going to cost me, my planned rig is completely price perfect for me and I don't have a lot of change flying about :)
 EDIT: Aaaah, and now I hear about the 8900. I know that computer technology moves along quickly and that you shouldnt wait forwever, but I don't want to buy a new rig if it's going to be trashed in terms of performance within a few months.
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