About a year ago I got a sweet gaming rig that can play Crysis on max settings. However, I'm looking for a game that is graphically demanding so I can see the true potential of my beastly system. Any advice would be more than welcomed. Thanks.
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About a year ago I got a sweet gaming rig that can play Crysis on max settings. However, I'm looking for a game that is graphically demanding so I can see the true potential of my beastly system. Any advice would be more than welcomed. Thanks.
Crysis, its always Crysis. Dont start babbling out all your fanboy love to games like Battlefield 3 when you dont even know the meaning of technical thingssuch astextures,ambient oclusion,global ilumination and a difference between simulated and static graphical properties. Most of you are probably fooled when a game like battelfield 3 having a very artisticly smart bloom and blur setup,plus a specific screen grey out. Still got to say from seeing the gameplay vids of battlefield 3, it looks like it is going to be a top notch decent game and making a big standout in comparison to other first person shooters this gen. But just still im having doubts about the frostbite 2 displaying as impressive things from what ive seen Cryengine 2 what is capable of.
I have a degree in ambient occlusion. Thanks for assuming all PC gamers are dumb. Some of us predict BF3 will be the new graphics king. No one said it is. At least not in this thread. Jumping the gun a bit early don't cha think?Crysis, its always Crysis. Dont start babbling out all your fanboy love to games like Battlefield 3 when you dont even know the meaning of technical thingssuch astextures,ambient oclusion,global ilumination and a difference between simulated and static graphical properties. Most of you are probably fooled when a game like battelfield 3 having a very artisticly smart bloom and blur setup,plus a specific screen grey out. Still got to say from seeing the gameplay vids of battlefield 3, it looks like it is going to be a top notch decent game and making a big standout in comparison to other first person shooters this gen. But just still im having doubts about the frostbite 2 displaying as impressive things from what ive seen Cryengine 2 what is capable of.
You could just get some really badly optimized games if you want to check out your technical performance.
That is only if you are judging games graphics based on their technical capabilities. Crysis is a technical masterpiece, but I find other games to be far more attractive.Crysis, its always Crysis. Dont start babbling out all your fanboy love to games like Battlefield 3 when you dont even know the meaning of technical thingssuch astextures,ambient oclusion,global ilumination and a difference between simulated and static graphical properties. Most of you are probably fooled when a game like battelfield 3 having a very artisticly smart bloom and blur setup,plus a specific screen grey out. Still got to say from seeing the gameplay vids of battlefield 3, it looks like it is going to be a top notch decent game and making a big standout in comparison to other first person shooters this gen. But just still im having doubts about the frostbite 2 displaying as impressive things from what ive seen Cryengine 2 what is capable of.
That is only if you are judging games graphics based on their technical capabilities. Crysis is a technical masterpiece, but I find other games to be far more attractive. Exactly. I couldn't agree more.You could just get some really badly optimized games if you want to check out your technical performance. [QUOTE="l-lord"]
Crysis, its always Crysis. Dont start babbling out all your fanboy love to games like Battlefield 3 when you dont even know the meaning of technical thingssuch astextures,ambient oclusion,global ilumination and a difference between simulated and static graphical properties. Most of you are probably fooled when a game like battelfield 3 having a very artisticly smart bloom and blur setup,plus a specific screen grey out. Still got to say from seeing the gameplay vids of battlefield 3, it looks like it is going to be a top notch decent game and making a big standout in comparison to other first person shooters this gen. But just still im having doubts about the frostbite 2 displaying as impressive things from what ive seen Cryengine 2 what is capable of.
Have you looked at yourself in regards to your post? Cause you seem to know very little in regards to frostbite 2.Crysis, its always Crysis. Dont start babbling out all your fanboy love to games like Battlefield 3 when you dont even know the meaning of technical thingssuch astextures,ambient oclusion,global ilumination and a difference between simulated and static graphical properties. Most of you are probably fooled when a game like battelfield 3 having a very artisticly smart bloom and blur setup,plus a specific screen grey out. Still got to say from seeing the gameplay vids of battlefield 3, it looks like it is going to be a top notch decent game and making a big standout in comparison to other first person shooters this gen. But just still im having doubts about the frostbite 2 displaying as impressive things from what ive seen Cryengine 2 what is capable of.
Textures: You kidding? this is DICE we are talking about they create some of the best textures around, go play mirror's edge.
Ambient Occlusion: Sure crysis wrote the book on SSAO but it has evolved past them, BC2 already had HBAO, something already higher quality than crysis's SSAO, and BF3 is focusing a good deal on DX11 i expect HDAO as well which put an even farther stance away from the original SSAO
Global Illumination: Crysis doesn't have a GI solution, however BF3 and frostbite 2 utilizes real time radosity lighting, so that point kinda backfired on you.
Static VS Dynamic: Frostbite 2 is one of the big guys for supporting dynamic assets, real time radosity lighting, improved destruction. It has some static assets sure, but so does rsis.
Crysis, its always Crysis. Dont start babbling out all your fanboy love to games like Battlefield 3 when you dont even know the meaning of technical thingssuch astextures,ambient oclusion,global ilumination and a difference between simulated and static graphical properties. Most of you are probably fooled when a game like battelfield 3 having a very artisticly smart bloom and blur setup,plus a specific screen grey out. Still got to say from seeing the gameplay vids of battlefield 3, it looks like it is going to be a top notch decent game and making a big standout in comparison to other first person shooters this gen. But just still im having doubts about the frostbite 2 displaying as impressive things from what ive seen Cryengine 2 what is capable of.
always find it funny when people rant on and then contradict what theyve just been ranting about
Crysis, its always Crysis. Dont start babbling out all your fanboy love to games like Battlefield 3 when you dont even know the meaning of technical thingssuch astextures,ambient oclusion,global ilumination and a difference between simulated and static graphical properties. Most of you are probably fooled when a game like battelfield 3 having a very artisticly smart bloom and blur setup,plus a specific screen grey out. Still got to say from seeing the gameplay vids of battlefield 3, it looks like it is going to be a top notch decent game and making a big standout in comparison to other first person shooters this gen. But just still im having doubts about the frostbite 2 displaying as impressive things from what ive seen Cryengine 2 what is capable of.
I know nothing of the scientific terms you just listed, never the less, I investigate them via the internet,
Battlefield 3 fanboy right here :lol:
Crysis, its always Crysis. Dont start babbling out all your fanboy love to games like Battlefield 3 when you dont even know the meaning of technical thingssuch astextures,ambient oclusion,global ilumination and a difference between simulated and static graphical properties. Most of you are probably fooled when a game like battelfield 3 having a very artisticly smart bloom and blur setup,plus a specific screen grey out. Still got to say from seeing the gameplay vids of battlefield 3, it looks like it is going to be a top notch decent game and making a big standout in comparison to other first person shooters this gen. But just still im having doubts about the frostbite 2 displaying as impressive things from what ive seen Cryengine 2 what is capable of.
always find it funny when people rant on and then contradict what theyve just been ranting about
'tis indeed funny.Heavily modded crysis crushes allferret-gamerhey, would appreciate if you could find any ingame pics of the latest top mod available. I'd like to see how it looks compared to Crysis 2 & Killzone 3. Just a little request. :D
[QUOTE="ferret-gamer"]Heavily modded crysis crushes alls_emi_xxxxxhey, would appreciate if you could find any ingame pics of the latest top mod available. I'd like to see how it looks compared to Crysis 2 & Killzone 3. Just a little request. :D I'm not sure what is the best nowadays but it would probably be something along the lines of the maximum immersion mod+Rygel's texture pack+Parallax AF Fix+Extreme FX2.
About a year ago I got a sweet gaming rig that can play Crysis on max settings. However, I'm looking for a game that is graphically demanding so I can see the true potential of my beastly system. Any advice would be more than welcomed. Thanks.
So what are the specs of this godly machine of yours?
Well then hear this, I could play crysis full graphics 6 times no problem, while fear 3 times nearly kills me because of shadow quality. Crysis has aged. Get over it.Crysis, its always Crysis. Dont start babbling out all your fanboy love to games like Battlefield 3 when you dont even know the meaning of technical thingssuch astextures,ambient oclusion,global ilumination and a difference between simulated and static graphical properties. Most of you are probably fooled when a game like battelfield 3 having a very artisticly smart bloom and blur setup,plus a specific screen grey out. Still got to say from seeing the gameplay vids of battlefield 3, it looks like it is going to be a top notch decent game and making a big standout in comparison to other first person shooters this gen. But just still im having doubts about the frostbite 2 displaying as impressive things from what ive seen Cryengine 2 what is capable of.
[QUOTE="l-lord"]Well then hear this, I could play crysis full graphics 6 times no problem, while fear 3 times nearly kills me because of shadow quality. Crysis has aged. Get over it.Crysis, its always Crysis. Dont start babbling out all your fanboy love to games like Battlefield 3 when you dont even know the meaning of technical thingssuch astextures,ambient oclusion,global ilumination and a difference between simulated and static graphical properties. Most of you are probably fooled when a game like battelfield 3 having a very artisticly smart bloom and blur setup,plus a specific screen grey out. Still got to say from seeing the gameplay vids of battlefield 3, it looks like it is going to be a top notch decent game and making a big standout in comparison to other first person shooters this gen. But just still im having doubts about the frostbite 2 displaying as impressive things from what ive seen Cryengine 2 what is capable of.
So poorer optimazation means fear wins? I guess siants row 2 is the undisputed graphics king then?
What game has better graphics then this? Cause crysis has aged like wine it looks better with age can't wait till i get gpu powerful enough to run it with 4x-8x super sampling AA at 1080p will look godly :D
Textures: You kidding? this is DICE we are talking about they create some of the best textures around, go play mirror's edge.ferret-gamer
The fantastic lighting mask the bad textures pretty well though
[QUOTE="ferret-gamer"]Textures: You kidding? this is DICE we are talking about they create some of the best textures around, go play mirror's edge.FatSlasH
The fantastic lighting mask the bad textures pretty well though
Thats looks like crap lol but screen caps from a VIDEO are fail
BF3 already looks better than Crysis and it's only in pre alpha stage.Crysis, its always Crysis. Dont start babbling out all your fanboy love to games like Battlefield 3 when you dont even know the meaning of technical thingssuch astextures,ambient oclusion,global ilumination and a difference between simulated and static graphical properties. Most of you are probably fooled when a game like battelfield 3 having a very artisticly smart bloom and blur setup,plus a specific screen grey out. Still got to say from seeing the gameplay vids of battlefield 3, it looks like it is going to be a top notch decent game and making a big standout in comparison to other first person shooters this gen. But just still im having doubts about the frostbite 2 displaying as impressive things from what ive seen Cryengine 2 what is capable of.
[QUOTE="FatSlasH"][QUOTE="ferret-gamer"]Textures: You kidding? this is DICE we are talking about they create some of the best textures around, go play mirror's edge.DJ_Headshot
The fantastic lighting mask the bad textures pretty well though
Thats looks like crap lol but screen caps from a VIDEO are fail It's not like the compression automatically makes the textures worse...
Other than Crysis, I'd say Mirrors Edge, Metro 2033, and Shattered Horizon show off PC's gaming capabilities imo. Also with future titles like Witcher 2 and Battlefield 3, I think we'll have a new king.
[QUOTE="ferret-gamer"]Textures: You kidding? this is DICE we are talking about they create some of the best textures around, go play mirror's edge.FatSlasH
The fantastic lighting mask the bad textures pretty well though
Even Crysis has some bad textures maxed out as well.
[QUOTE="FatSlasH"][QUOTE="ferret-gamer"]Textures: You kidding? this is DICE we are talking about they create some of the best textures around, go play mirror's edge.mitu123
The fantastic lighting mask the bad textures pretty well though
Even Crysis has some bad textures maxed out as well. Yes it does. I go back to play Crysis just to look at stuff. I play it maxed out 1200p, all Enthusiast. You can definitely see that Crysis is "beginning" to age. Although, it still stands as one of the best-looking games of 2007 "and" compared to today's standards.
[QUOTE="mitu123"][QUOTE="FatSlasH"]Even Crysis has some bad textures maxed out as well. Yes it does. I go back to play Crysis just to look at stuff. I play it maxed out 1200p, all Enthusiast. You can definitely see that Crysis is "beginning" to age. Although, it still stands as one of the best-looking games of 2007 "and" compared to today's standards.Example of bad textures. Top right you see not much detail put into the textures of the environment. It's still graphics king until the Fall though.:Phttp://img822.imageshack.us/img822/1462/wmplayer201103200056083.jpg
The fantastic lighting mask the bad textures pretty well though
Yes it does. I go back to play Crysis just to look at stuff. I play it maxed out 1200p, all Enthusiast. You can definitely see that Crysis is "beginning" to age. Although, it still stands as one of the best-looking games of 2007 "and" compared to today's standards.Example of bad textures. Top right you see not much detail put into the textures of the environment. It's still graphics king until the Fall though.:P Yup. I see it clearly. Fall can't come sooner. :D[QUOTE="Elann2008"][QUOTE="mitu123"] Even Crysis has some bad textures maxed out as well.mitu123
[QUOTE="mitu123"][QUOTE="FatSlasH"]Even Crysis has some bad textures maxed out as well. Yes it does. I go back to play Crysis just to look at stuff. I play it maxed out 1200p, all Enthusiast. You can definitely see that Crysis is "beginning" to age. Although, it still stands as one of the best-looking games of 2007 "and" compared to today's standards.http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/1462/wmplayer201103200056083.jpg
The fantastic lighting mask the bad textures pretty well though
This is why you use custom configs make the game looks better not sure what crytek was thinking with the values there using for various different commands at veryhigh settings i mean why is texture streaming on?
[QUOTE="mitu123"]Example of bad textures. Top right you see not much detail put into the textures of the environment. It's still graphics king until the Fall though.:P Yup. I see it clearly. Fall can't come sooner. :D It's sooner, Rage doesn't get released this fall, just a lil bit sooner, because I know you're not talking about BF 3 an average looking game (aka great, but not amazing, just decent on everything else and spectacular with the lighting) ;).[QUOTE="Elann2008"] Yes it does. I go back to play Crysis just to look at stuff. I play it maxed out 1200p, all Enthusiast. You can definitely see that Crysis is "beginning" to age. Although, it still stands as one of the best-looking games of 2007 "and" compared to today's standards.Elann2008
So TC what are the specs of this setup of yours? robertoenrique
To answer your question here's an invoice of my gaming rig from Digital Storm.
System Configuration:
Chassis Model: Special Deal Hot Seller - Cooler Master CM Storm Sniper
Exterior Finish: - Standard Factory Finish
Trim Accents: - Standard Factory Finish
Processor: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Black Edition (3.2GHz) (6 Core) (6 MB Cache) AM3 Socket ( Overclocked to 3.9GHz)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-890XA-UD3 (AMD 790X Chipset) (SATA3 and USB 3.0) (Socket AM3)
System Memory: 8GB DDR3 1333MHz DigitalStorm Certified Performance Series (Highly Recommended) (Hand Tested)
Power Supply: 750W Corsair TX (Dual SLI Compatible)
Expansion Bay: - No Thanks
Hard Drive Set 1: Operating System: 1x (500GB Western Digital (16MB Cache) (7200 RPM)
Set 1 Raid Options: - No Thanks
Hard Drive Set 2: MultimediaData: - No Thanks
Hard Drive Set 3: BackupMisc.: - No Thanks
Optical Drive 1: DVD-R/RW/CD-R/RW (DVD Writer 24x / CD-Writer 48x)
Optical Drive 2: - No Thanks
Internet Access: High Speed Network Port (Supports High-Speed Cable / DSL / Network Connections)
Video Card(s): 1x ATI Radeon HD 5970 2GB
Add-on Card: - No Thanks
Sound Card: Creative Labs X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Professional (PCI-Express Slot Based)
Extreme Cooling: H20: Stage 2: Asetek Liquid CPU Cooler (240mm Radiator) (High-Performance Edition)
H20 Tube Color: - Not Applicable, I do not have a FrostChill or Sub-Zero LCS Cooling System Selected
Chassis Airflow: Upgrade Chassis With Zalman Performance Fans (Up to 6 Fans)
Internal Lighting: Internal Chassis Lighting System (Blue)
Enhancements: Touch V12XT Aerocool Temperature Display & Fan Controller (Requires Chassis Airflow Upgrade)
Chassis Mods: - No Thanks
Noise Reduction: Noise Suppression Package Stage 2 (Optimized Airflow & Fan Speeds with Noise Dampening Material)
CPU Boost: FREE: Stage 1: Overclock the processor between 3.3GHz to 3.9GHz (Cooling Upgrade Recommended)
Graphics Boost: FREE: Yes, Overclock the video card(s) as much as possible with complete stability
Memory Boost: - No Thanks, Please do not overclock my memory
OS Boost: - No Thanks, Please do not tweak the services on the operating system
Windows OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium (64-Bit Edition)
Restore Kit: DigitalStorm Specialized Recovery System (DVD Image Based)
Virus Protection: McAfee Internet Security (Includes: AntiVirus, FireWall and AntiSpyware)
Office: - No Thanks
Benchmarking: - No Thanks
Pre-Install Game: - No Thanks
Display: - No Thanks
Surge Shield: - No Thanks
Speakers: - No Thanks
Keyboard: Logitech Internet 350 USB Desktop (Multimedia Keyboard + RX300 Optical Wheel Mouse)
Mouse: - No Thanks
External Storage: - No Thanks
Exclusive T-Shirt: FREE: DigitalStorm T-Shirt - Black (Xtra Large)
Priority Build: - No Thanks, Ship Within 5-15 Business Days After Order Is Successfully Processed
Warranty: Life-time Expert Customer Care with 3 Year Limited Warranty
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