My family's bought dell's all their lives so ive realized why a ton of people can't stand them.
I got a XPS GEN 5 back in june 2005 or so thinking it would keep its value for at least 3 years. Here are the specs:
Intel Pentium 4 CPU 3.20GHz
3.20 GHz, 2 GB of ram
Creative SB Audigy 2 ZS (WDM)
Radeon X1650 series (which was a replacement once i couldnt run rainbow six vegas with the card dell provided)
For some reason my device manage lists 2 CPU's under processos, But i dont have a dual core, someone said it was something about hyperthreading.
Anyway with my current set up S.T.L.K.E.R. runs choppy as hell, Supreme Commander is almost unplayable, same goes for neverwinter nights 2, and Rainbow Six even with the new (albeit mediocre) video card is still unplayable on the nice settings. Other games I cant remember always had to have the settings turned down too
I've realized finally that buying prepackaged dells with limited options is just a waste of cash, it's time I build a comp. So I was hoping you guys could Link me to some websites, let me know the most important parts, It would just be a gaming/music/movies computer.
I paid close to 4 grand I think for that dell that's already makign new games look like n64 graphics, and I've heard that building one is tons cheaper....I'm willing to spend 2 grand or so, (already have a decent monitor and surround sound) that's just what I figured a gaming pc built yourself would be close to costing) I'm not expecting to be able to play Crysis on very high with AA on, but it would be nice if the game looks better than far cry on my computer
Any links to sites with parts would be great, I just want to know what a reasonable upgrade would be over my comp
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