@SilverBlade1805: I recommend, first of all, SINGLEPLAYER* games that get you familiar with a mouse and keyboard.
RTSs (real-time strategy, such as Command and Conquer, Starcraft, Warcraft, and so forth) games, as well as their "slower-paced" counterparts TBSs (turn-based strategy games, such as the all-mighty Civilization series), will get you familiar with precise mouse movements and strategic, adaptive thinking. At the risk of sounding elitist, there is a large amount of variety on PC that does not come to consoles, and you will find yourself playing games (at least in this genre) that you have not touched on consoles.
For general keyboard familiarity, you cant go wrong with any SINGLEPLAYER* games that stress the traditional WASD configuration: it's a very organic feeling...eventually; your middle three fingers rest softly on WAD (with one ready to tap the S key, when the time to backpeddle arrives), your thumb on the spacebar (to jump), and your pinky on CTRL (to crouch) or SHIFT to sprint. The numeric keys are at your whim (1-0), ready to equip any weapon, tool, or ability you desire. Concerning games in this area, there are a lot: I personally recommend:
Halflife 2, plus episodes.
TES: Skyrim**
I would recommend more, but truthfully, these two games have kept me so focused and involved, and yet are so incredibly basic (to their benefit, I might add; nailing the fundamentals is an often overlooked attribute) that theyre perfect for "learning the ropes" of PC gaming
*I suggest singleplayer, at least at first, solely because it will take time to acclimate to controlling one's self on the PC. Multiplayer is competitive and, sometimes, discouraging and I'd hate to turn away a prospective PC gamer because of a few bad apples. Learn to play, then kick some ass :)
**Skyrim has the benefit of modding, a huuuuuuuuuuuge benefit of PC gaming. I often think of this as one of the best perks of gaming and, while some "hardcore" gamers might not be fond of Skyrim's "dumb-down" mechanics, for a blossoming PC gamer it not only provides a basic, simple experience, but an incredible amount of longevity due the mod scene.
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