[QUOTE="teardropmina"]I don't care what those so-called "professional" reviewers have to say (especially those who rate Oblivion higher than Torment and BGs), BUT, the Sims games are also causal games; giving Spore a 8.0 means that it's actually worse than The Sims 2 as a causal game.
as for gamers' false expectations...that happens all the time, oftentime many people just don't do enough research before they jump onto playing. historical examples: the complaining of DnD rules and combat of BG series.
Keep in mind GameSpot gave it an 8, most other sites are giving it in the low to mid 9s.
It just feels like the people complaining about Spore went into it with the wrong expectations. Spore was never promoted as a hardcore action or RTS game, people are complaining it isn't as complex as game genre X when Will Wright's intent was just to take x% of the core experience provided by the genres.
It is the reason I created that other thread, I get the feeling Spore has been in development for so long people have forgotten the plot of what the game is supposed to be. If people are going into it expecting a Diablo from the creature stage, a Starcraft from tribal and a Civilisation IV from the civ stage, their wrongly placed expectations will affect their score.
Jack of all trades; master of none, that is what people are calling the game. Well if they took the time to actually read up on the game they would know it isn't trying to be all these genres at once. By all means if you don't like Spore then say so, but say so from an informed position; not because you were expecting something Spore never promised.
Fallout 1/2 are the worst FPS games ever, right guys? Remember that joke? It's all a matter of your expectations when you approach a game.
Sure, Spore is casual, if Spore gameplay doesn't really excel in any genre, well then what does that mean? You can label a game casual all you want, but if none of the gameplay features are compelling aside from the Creature Creator aspect, then the devs messed up. I don't think anybody was expecting HARDCORE strategy, etc. from Spore. But I mean really, one of the stages of the game (forget what it is called)... only 3 vehicle types? That's a little... lackluster. There's a difference between casual and boring.
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