The first sixty minutes with this game were wonderful.
I left the Clear Sky camp and made my way into the swamp area, which I assumed was the noob-training-level based on how easy it was (really, my comrades did most of the killing for me). This entire area was a real sight to behold, and based on just that one level I'd have to say that Clear Sky is easily one of the best looking games I've ever seen.
But then, after the hour was up, I advanced into the next level, The Cordon area.
Um, okay, maybe I'm missing something here, but suddenly this game has become unimaginably difficult. Here's the thing: I commenced this level right in front of an army barracks with a sub-machine gun pointed straight at me (this is a bit like entering a Fun House and opening the first door and immediately being clubbed on the head by a guy wearing a clown outfit - ba-doing!) The thing is, this machine gun, which is aimed right at me, is a good two hundred yards off, and yet somehow the individual manning the gun (he must be Superman's brother, or something) is able to spot me through the weeds and in the pitch dark of the night. It's impossible for me to see him, but he can clearly see me since I'm completely unable to advance more than ten feet without getting shot to bits. I tried running down the hill to get past the machine gun, but that didn't help at all! It merely precipitated my demise.
Here's what made me flip though.
After dying, and re-loading the game for literally the 30'th time, I finally decided to retreat into the tunnel through which I originally entered (really, there was no place left to go). I kind of just hung out in the tunnel entrance for a while, trying to think up a solution to the clown problem. After about five minutes passed, I was surprised to see that two NPC military guys had come up the hill to investigate - aha, I though: so that's the solution... you have to wait for the NPCs to come after you, whereupon you pick them off one by one. The first NPC came right up to the cave entrance, so I pulled out my shotgun and shot him in the head. Lo and behold! He survived the blast! But not only did he survive the first blast to the head, he survived the second as well. And the third. And the fourth!
Alright, that's interesting I thought. So the NPCs are basically invincible. The simple fact is that I can't kill anybody and I can't advance down the hill - chiefly because there's a guy with a submachine gun pointed straight at me. So the question is: What the bloody hell am I doing wrong here! How come NPCs aren't dying after I've shot them in the head point blank? How come I can't get past the clown wielding the machine gun. And yes, before you ask me the question, this game has been updated with the very latest patch.
If this is normal, then I'd have to say that Clear Sky is the single biggest turd I've stepped in in ten years.
If Gordon Ramsay were here he'd say: Shambolic. Utterly shambolic. A complete and utter disgrace. I'm a bit shocked, really. This game started off with TONS of promise. I cannot believe how quickly this game went down hill. A complete turnaround in a little over sixty minutes. In my twenty-five years of gaming I've never seen a game go from being so great to being so bad, and in such an amazingly short amount of time.
God help me. I've already uninstalled this piece of...
Well, being the masochist that I am, I'm prepared to install this thing again if somebody can shed some light on this situation for me. Right now, I'm just disgusted. Just completely disgusted. I'm thinking about going down to the clinic and having somebody check my blood pressure. Christ almighty what a first-class nightmare.
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