I'm curious what you guys think will come from the announcement October 21st from Bioware, Lucas Arts and EA about their new MMO.
I know that it has not been officially confirmed that the game is a KOTOR MMO, but it certainly sounds like it will be.
My guess is this:
1. KOTOR MMO announced October 21st, 2008 and will be released sometime in 2009
2. Lucas Arts will either not renew SOE's Star Wars Galaxies license because of how terrible it has been peforming since the NGE or create a "classic" Pre-Cu, Pre-NGE server. I honestly think, though, that SWG will be discontinued in 2009 and players won't find out until the last minute.
3. My guess is that the KOTOR MMO will be released mid 2009 because Bioware licensed the Hero Engine back in 2005 to start work on it and that should of helped to speed stuff up.
4. If the KOTOR MMO is indeed released in mid 2009, I think that WOW will have about a 500k user attrition rate over to the new KOTOR MMO within the first 60 days of its release and that Stargate Worlds will lose at least 25% of their subcriber base because even though I am excited for Stargate Worlds, I honestly don't think it is going to be a great game. I am guessing Gamespot will give it about a 7.0
Anyone have any other ideas?
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