[QUOTE="Orcishman05"] My thoughts on this new MMORPG....I really hope it doesnt turn into another Galaxies. I would also prefer a Empire time period game, not KOTOR time. Anyone else prefer it?
My concerns:
I foresee little kids out the ying yang playing and kicking your ass because they have far more time to play than working adults, and therefore can become jedi far easier than most of us. Also, I hate any game where your character carries a gun, and you dont actually aim the weapon yourself, and you depend on a skill to see if you can hit your target. This is how it was in Galaxies, I sincerly hope its not that way in this game.
I would love a game where you can be some kind of badass commando and kill jedi. I hope in this game does not make the jedi so powerful that no laser/grenade/flame thrower wielding player could ever kill them in 1 on 1.
I hear all the time how good KOTOR was, but after a watching a few gameplay vids, I really was not impressed. I saw a video of a character firing a blaster rifle at an enemy, point blank in his face and he didnt die. Please tell me some things that made KOTOR good that might be redeeming qualities for this game.
So you want a *KOTOR* MMO to be set in the Empire time period as opposed to the KOTOR time period. Yeah, good luck with that.
And only a completely moronic, blind SW fanboy would want the MMO to be set in the Empire time period. This particular period has been milked enough by...well just about everyone. It wasn't interesting the first time, and it sure as hell won't be interesting now unless you enjoy shallow characters and themes.
But then again, KOTOR 1 is not a whole lot different. If this new KOTOR game was a proper RPG developed by Obsidian, then there would be hope for an interesting and proper sequel much like the fantastic KOTOR II. But as it is, it's an MMORPG developed by Bioware, so we can expect more generic drivel courtesy of the crappy Star Wars lore and Bioware game design.
Also expect plenty of milking from EA. I can't wait to spend extra money to buy content that should have been included in the original game.
i want an Empire time MMO. :| theme? lol.....you mean you sense a THEME in KOTOR games? lol.....the old republic shares every SW characteristics the empire period has. if anything, the Empire era is much more vibrant as a game world.
and yea, TC, commando > Jedi, ANYDAY. ;)
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