What do you guys think?
I think Sc2 blows them out of water in every way.
DoW 2 campaign is so repetitive and feels like Diablo with squad.
Warcraft 3, while great on narrative and has a bit of variety is dragging for me.
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What do you guys think?
I think Sc2 blows them out of water in every way.
DoW 2 campaign is so repetitive and feels like Diablo with squad.
Warcraft 3, while great on narrative and has a bit of variety is dragging for me.
I've always been a fan of WC3 type of story, but SC2 is amazing. I've never played DOW 2 (I may get it on special). I would say SC2 is the best with WC3 close behind it.
DoW 2 had a mediocre campaign, SC2 has a much better campaign.
Chaos Rising had an excellent campaign, but it was very different, very hard to compare the two.
sc2 is very good...and it resembles dow2 lore...but dow2 was soooo dissappointing...the most epic part was over in 10 minutes....no rts should score u down for beatin a level in 5 minutes....and it be too slow....sc2...on hard...wow...if felt like it u could actually lose on some lvls...
Dawn of War 2 had an awful campaign. I can barley find myself to even finish it. Almost all of the missions are the same in DoW2 while all the missions in StarCraft 2 are unique and varied.
Well, it seems I'm in the minority here, but I definitely liked the warcraft 3 campaign the most. More specifically, the original human campaign and seeing arthas slowly become corrupted. Being able to visit stratholme and hear whispers of dialogue in the undercity in WoW where the ending cinematic for the human campaign took place also really adds to the overall experience.
To be even more unpopular, I had more fun playing dawn of war 2's campaign (and chaos rising) than I did playing sc2's campaign overall. While dow2 lacks what I would consider a compelling story, I really enjoyed the focus on a small number of squads and moving from cover to cover (though terminator armor seems to fundamentally break the way the game is played before getting said armor and I find it strange that I never see that mentioned...).
Starcraft 2's campaign just had way too many missions with base building, and as someone who's played sc1 to death, it just felt too familiar at times. My biggest motivation to finish sc2's campaign was to see how it ended so I could continue to use the internet without fear of people spoiling it for me, but it left me feeling somewhat underwhelmed (of course, it doesn't help that I've always been a zerg player and that's the only race you don't play as in the campaign...). That's not to say I hated the campaign or anything, I did have fun with it, but for me it seemed to alternate between "oh, this is cool" and "ugh, I have to build up another base/economy and then go kill everything."
But Starcraft 2 kills Dow2 in terms of variety, presentation and art style.Well, it seems I'm in the minority here, but I definitely liked the warcraft 3 campaign the most. More specifically, the original human campaign and seeing arthas slowly become corrupted. Being able to visit stratholme and hear whispers of dialogue in the undercity in WoW where the ending cinematic for the human campaign took place also really adds to the overall experience.
To be even more unpopular, I had more fun playing dawn of war 2's campaign (and chaos rising) than I did playing sc2's campaign overall. While dow2 lacks what I would consider a compelling story, I really enjoyed the focus on a small number of squads and moving from cover to cover (though terminator armor seems to fundamentally break the way the game is played before getting said armor and I find it strange that I never see that mentioned...).
Starcraft 2's campaign just had way too many missions with base building, and as someone who's played sc1 to death, it just felt too familiar at times. My biggest motivation to finish sc2's campaign was to see how it ended so I could continue to use the internet without fear of people spoiling it for me, but it left me feeling somewhat underwhelmed (of course, it doesn't help that I've always been a zerg player and that's the only race you don't play as in the campaign...). That's not to say I hated the campaign or anything, I did have fun with it, but for me it seemed to alternate between "oh, this is cool" and "ugh, I have to build up another base/economy and then go kill everything."
But Starcraft 2 kills Dow2 in terms of variety, presentation and art style. I think I'd be inclined to agree with that, but I still had more fun with the core mechanics of dow2 *shrugs*. I have little doubt, however, that I'll end up playing sc2 online much more than dow2 due to custom maps and stuff (I don't really care for dow2's skirmish/capture the point mode, but I did have fun with the last stand for quite a while).[QUOTE="iamthejapanman"]
Well, it seems I'm in the minority here, but I definitely liked the warcraft 3 campaign the most. More specifically, the original human campaign and seeing arthas slowly become corrupted. Being able to visit stratholme and hear whispers of dialogue in the undercity in WoW where the ending cinematic for the human campaign took place also really adds to the overall experience.
To be even more unpopular, I had more fun playing dawn of war 2's campaign (and chaos rising) than I did playing sc2's campaign overall. While dow2 lacks what I would consider a compelling story, I really enjoyed the focus on a small number of squads and moving from cover to cover (though terminator armor seems to fundamentally break the way the game is played before getting said armor and I find it strange that I never see that mentioned...).
Starcraft 2's campaign just had way too many missions with base building, and as someone who's played sc1 to death, it just felt too familiar at times. My biggest motivation to finish sc2's campaign was to see how it ended so I could continue to use the internet without fear of people spoiling it for me, but it left me feeling somewhat underwhelmed (of course, it doesn't help that I've always been a zerg player and that's the only race you don't play as in the campaign...). That's not to say I hated the campaign or anything, I did have fun with it, but for me it seemed to alternate between "oh, this is cool" and "ugh, I have to build up another base/economy and then go kill everything."
But Starcraft 2 kills Dow2 in terms of variety, presentation and art style.[QUOTE="iamthejapanman"]
Variety perhaps, presentation perhaps. But art style? no. If we are talking about the ingame graphics then I think their terrible, SC2 has this nasty fantasy warcraft 3 look which does not suit starcraft at all. While DOW2 has a gritty artstyle which serves the source material well.
I also don't think the DOW2 campaign can be as epic because Relic may not be able to add major events and plot points in the 40K universe. Games Workshop has made it clear that they want this going on as a forever meatgrinder war. So while SC2 may advance the plot which would add to the epicness, DOW2 ismore like some random campaign in the hundreds already present in 40k which does not change the war in any way.
But Starcraft 2 kills Dow2 in terms of variety, presentation and art style.[QUOTE="Ravenchrome"]
Variety perhaps, presentation perhaps. But art style? no. If we are talking about the ingame graphics then I think their terrible, SC2 has this nasty fantasy warcraft 3 look which does not suit starcraft at all. While DOW2 has a gritty artstyle which serves the source material well.
I also don't think the DOW2 campaign can be as epic because Relic may not be able to add major events and plot points in the 40K universe. Games Workshop has made it clear that they want this going on as a forever meatgrinder war. So while SC2 may advance the plot which would add to the epicness, DOW2 ismore like some random campaign in the hundreds already present in 40k which does not change the war in any way.
What i mean by art here is the variety of objects and maps. I feel Sc2 has more art asset than Dow2.all three are great games...but SC and WC are better than Warhammer 40k....
As a rts game I find the DoW 1 gameplay better than any of these. DoW 1 also has a very good sp campaign -no so great as Starcraft 1, but very good-., About the SC II campaign I'll talk in a days once I finish it.
Dawn of War II's campaign wasn't that good. Needed to be modded to make it fun.
Warcraft 3 had a longer, more enjoyable campaign than Starcraft II in my opinion.
DoW2 campaign was pretty boring, add Chaos Rising or DoW1 and they would probably be my picks. SC2 is worse than WC3 imo because it felt like a never-ending tutorial until the very last levels. As an RTS my fav is DoW1 by far
I didn't enjoy the SP portion of neither Dawn of War 1 or 2, they got boring after a hour, and never played them since. But the campaign of Warcraft3 + Frozen Throne is really a fantastic one, loved the story of Arthas & the storytelling, music score, everything. Though it's ben a wile since i replayed it.
SC2's campaign is miles & miles ahead of DoW2, but not at the same level of WC3's campaign.
I really like Warcraft 3's campaign, it was the first RTS campaign I really go into (normally I just play online and skirmish mode and stuff like that). I wasn't a fan of Frozen Throne's for some reason, I couldn't even get past the Night Elf levels without getting bored.
However, I just got Starcraft II yesterday and so far I am incredibly impressed with the campaign. So far, I would say its better than the Warcraft III campaign in terms of gameplay, but I'm still a sucker for the Warcraft III story.
Chaos Rising was the best singleplayer imo.. I also liked the art style more in Dawn of War 2.. Though I am bias because I think Warhammer/Warhammer 40k trample all over the universes of Starcraft and Warcraft.sSubZerOoChaos Rising was indeed a well-done campaign compared to the awful DoW 2 one.
Hard to say, I liked DoW 2 at first but after finishing it, i realized it only had 2 mission versions. Keep in mind I only played on normal. The missions where deffend or attack and fight a really easy boss. I just zerged the thing and it died. Chaos rising was more dificult on normal mode and i liked it much more, but it does not count for this list so...WC3>SC2>DoW 2 regular . In terms of story in general Warhammer/40k>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Warcraft/starcraft
Dawn Of War 2 offers cooperative campaign and thats why it's the best. Playing campaing with your friend gives more fun than playing it alone.
Warcraft 3 it's old game and you shouldnt compare it to new RTS titles. It had vvery decent campaign.
The campaign of starcraft 2 is nothing special. Im bored playing it. Much more prefer spending a time on multiplayer.
DoW 2 > W3 > S2
Starcraft 2 > W3 > DoW 2
DoW2's SP is forgettable, other than the ARPG leveling fun. DoW2: CS however has a much more compelling campaign. bt still...
WC3 has the best SP out of the three. SC2 comes in second. WC3 has emotional charge throughout the whole game, but SC2 pretty much just lets cutscenes do the work.
while WC3 is great, it's not to say that SC2 and DoW2:CS are bad in any way.
Of course Dawn of War 2, no contest here! - Campaign was well set in the lore, although you don't know it's full charm untill you play the Chaos Rising, where plotting, treason, corruption and your squad members personal history kicks in meddling with your brain even further as you discover their background with a typical dark Imperial climate! In this world there are no good guys, everyone is a psycho maniac and a bastard, they rearly have morals and among those crude and rough characters you are there to mantain order even if it means crushing your oposition with iron boot. Besides the game itself is much more demmanding, when you got few units and got to utilize their abillities and skills wisely unlike Starcraft where you just produce masses and waste them mindlessly.
Starcraft is on the Second place imho... Many people may have false ilusion of this game having an original campaign, because it has no such thing... what it has is an ORIGINAL and eye-appealing NARRATION - with lots of eye-candy cutscenes, amazing cinematics and Jim Raynor - my favorite Blizzard character so far. However! The very campaign is abolutely mediocre - it has it's moments, the few missions where you actualy use some special characters, but other than that it is just repetitive schemata of: build the base, gather potatoes, produce cannon-fodder, waste it on the map untill you win and in adition place your units on the marked territory to finish an objective. While story itself is really clichee, opresive anti-democratic government that needs to be put down, our politicly correct hero who leads the moral revolution and saves his girl in the end, saving galaxy, while the stereotypical ancient alien evil comes to destroy everything for no particular reason... like always.
Besides so many questions were left unanwsered, nothing has came to conclusion...
Is the deal between Raynor and Mangsk solved? No
What about the prophecy? - Nothing...
Future of Zerg? - Not said...
Xel'Naga? - Whatever...
Nothing came to conclusion... if you come to think of it, we are pretty much where we started before 1st Starcraft - Zerg, Protos and Terrans and Kerrigan is a human again. That's it... of course wrapped in beautiful box of cinematics and cutscenes, touching music, still, as for Campaign, it was booring and predictable.
Not to mention that whole Starcraft was a rip off of Warhammer 40k, and don't dispute with that, Chris Matzen admitted that they were deeply inspired with table top figure Warhammer games and so in late 90's they started producing Starcraft, and before it was even announced they've send their stuff to Games Workshop company asking would they like to have a Warhammer 40k RTS that looks like that. Hence blue Space Marines and Zerg, which were first introduced in games from 80's called Rogue Trader and Space Hulk - where you led a band of spacemarines clearing ancient derelict ships of Tyranid swarm.
Grats, Blizz...
The last one is Warcraft - a big 'gaming celebrity' of my childhood, but looking at it from nowdays perspective - it is simply silly. You cant make more clichee campaign actualy. And those very ideas now seems to me not only ridiculous or pathetic but honestly dumb stupid. Like the scene where Medivh convinces King of Loraderon to pack whole his country on ships and move to Kalimdor... remember that? Remember what he said? How would you react as a king, you sit in a throne room, doing the politics and making tough decisions while all of a sudden a bird turns into a man ans says: "WE ALL GONNA DIE! You got to go to KALIMDOR! Because Dooom is upon us! Or sth! Go! Go go go!"
you know, you need some stronger arguments and perhaps factual evidence if you want people to do something like that, seriously... C'mon, two sentences about doom and cataclysm, fire and unpleasant genitalia rash aint exactly a thing that would make whole nation flee to a continent they aren't even sure that exists... In fact, this prophet imho was the dumbest retard ever to exist in Warcraft universe.
The very concept of Burning Legion, who want to destroy the world... because... why not? Is like the lamest excuse for a story... Seriously, army of evil and deamons comes to destroy the world for no particular reason... again! It's like their national sport or something?
The campaign in expansion was actualy very good in comparison to that original from Reign of Chaos - Frozen throne had some dramatic moments, weird alliances and characters that werent exactly black and white and I liked that, that wat awoken some positive emotions in me as a player
But other than that, Warcraft 3 was the worst one, mainly cause it is a stereotypic Mediaval Fantasy setting - thing repeated, cloned and coppied so often I'm already bored just thinking of it...
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