I wrote this on the PC and Mac Games Starcraft 2 thread weeks ago.
If anyone wants WASD to control Camera movements then here is a Script in a small .exe that will convert the Arrow Keys to WASD that I made yesterday. (converts arrow keys to WASD since arrow keys can move the camera)
The Keys have been remapped such that:
- Up arrow is now W
- Left arrow is now A
- Down arrow is now S
- Right arrow is now D
- the - (hyphen) pauses the script so you can use whatever natural WASD keys you have or to type a message to someone
I just uploaded the file to mediafire and the link is Here
If you do not wish to download it, you can make it yourself:
- Go and download Autohotkey
- Next Open a notepad document up and type in:
Gui +LastFound
- Go to File/Save As
- Choose whatever File Name you desire but end it in .ahk
- Save As type must be set to All files
- You now have a script to change arrow keys to WASD keys.
- To make it into a .exe file simply go to programfiles/autohotkey/convert .ahk to .exe and convert your file.
This should work for ANY application and not just this game.
The game is only utilizing what your computer is giving it. The "bug" is just pushing your GPU. If you have correct cooling then you should have no problem regardless. My GTS 250 only goes to 51C but I use custom made fan controls with rivatuner. The bug stated was that people were getting heat issues in main menu as the menu runs real time rendering in the background and overtime your gpu could overheat if it does not have the required cooling.
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