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Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!biggest_loser
Here's a hint that helped me out, select all your WoW game files, hold shift and tap the delete key.
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!fatshodan
Here's a hint that helped me out, select all your WoW game files, hold shift and tap the delete key.
Wow!! That worked for me, thx!
You should try it BL!
/sigh. I hate how people think their cool when they pay out things that are popular or mainstream.Twin-Blade
Good thing you dont own the internets :D
Gentlemen, would i ever start a joke thread?
No my friends this is quite serious. I chose to be a Orkk I believe. I completed the task of killing the 10 animals now I must return to the base. I tried to take on this level 6 character but got killed and entered this weird blue place.
Gentlemen, would i ever start a joke thread?
No my friends this is quite serious. I chose to be a Orkk I believe. I completed the task of killing the 10 animals now I must return to the base. I tried to take on this level 6 character but got killed and entered this weird blue place.
Something tells me your not going to like the game.
Gentlemen, would i ever start a joke thread?
No my friends this is quite serious. I chose to be a Orkk I believe. I completed the task of killing the 10 animals now I must return to the base. I tried to take on this level 6 character but got killed and entered this weird blue place.
You are what we call, "dead". Now run to your corpse and stay the hell away from level 6's.
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!fatshodan
Here's a hint that helped me out, select all your WoW game files, hold shift and tap the delete key.
lol, QFT.
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!fatshodan
Here's a hint that helped me out, select all your WoW game files, hold shift and tap the delete key.
you forgot click "yes"
/sigh. I hate how people think their cool when they pay out things that are popular or mainstream.Twin-Blade
If this was in reference to my comment, I don't think it's cool to dislike things that are popular, but I do think it's appropriate to dislike things which don't appeal to me - their popularity is not a factor in my decision making. I like plenty of popular things - like sex, for example, and writing essays by pasting wildly from Wikipedia. They are both very popular activities. And I enjoy them both, not because they're popular, but because I enjoy them. Then again, I can't stand Star Wars. Not too fond of meat, either - they're both very popular, but that's not why I dislike them. I have my own reasons.
Assuming someone dislikes something simply because it is popular is extremely narrowminded and outright stupid. There are many other MMOs which have two percent of WoW's subscribership numbers, and I would criticise them just as much - not because of their popularity (or lack thereof), but because I feel the game has too many flaws.
If your above comment was in reply to mine, grow the hell up, man. If it wasn't (I don't know what pay out means but I'm assuming it means dislike given the context of the sentence), just ignore my crazy rambling.
I find the standard interface really hard to work with, but luckily there are tons of addons that let you change things. Top 3 addons I'd recomend would be Carbonite, Lightheaded and DoubleWide. These can be downloaded from
These three addons basically help with questing and find your way around. By default, WoW will just say "North of town X are some guys, go kill them" and I tend to just stair blankly "Where the hell is town X?!". Carbonite will put a marker on a map for you to follow :), DoubleWide just makes your Quest log bigger so it's easier to read and LightHeaded will add another panel to your Quest log where people have submitted notes on the selected quests, which can be really helpful.
These three addons helped me out no end when leveling. For me the game didn't really get good until I was level 30+ because you don't have many abilities to start with, with any class But through level 30+ you get tons of new abilities and new things open up :), if you can stick it out you should have a lot of fun, but it is quite a slow game to get into. It's also a lot better if you are playing with some friends, running around on your own is a bit boring and you may as well be playing a single player game.
Have fun
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Gentlemen, would i ever start a joke thread?
No my friends this is quite serious. I chose to be a Orkk I believe. I completed the task of killing the 10 animals now I must return to the base. I tried to take on this level 6 character but got killed and entered this weird blue place.
You are what we call, "dead". Now run to your corpse and stay the hell away from level 6's.
Try and only attack things that are your level and below.
Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!biggest_loser
wowwiki does a great job of aggregating all wow content
QFT[QUOTE="Toriko42"][QUOTE="_Memento_"]Is this a joke thread? How does one get lost in WoW?Yoshi25
GW is much better.
Who wants to bet me $20 that biggest_loser is playing WoW right now? HAHA!!!!!!!GPAddict
I am preparing to have my breakfeast sir. It is the most important meal of the day. And then I am going to enjoy a brandy while playing Mass Effect.
[QUOTE="fatshodan"][QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!dazza_avo
Here's a hint that helped me out, select all your WoW game files, hold shift and tap the delete key.
Don't even post here again you unhelpful idiot.
Ouch. You do know that you are talking to the fatshodan?
[QUOTE="Yoshi25"]QFT[QUOTE="Toriko42"][QUOTE="_Memento_"]Is this a joke thread? How does one get lost in WoW?Vfanek
GW is much better.
Getting to level 20 in GW isn't an accomplisment. It's the builds and skill it requires to be good.
Unlike WoW....where the guy with the most hours dedicated to grinding prevails.
[QUOTE="fatshodan"][QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!dazza_avo
Here's a hint that helped me out, select all your WoW game files, hold shift and tap the delete key.
Don't even post here again you unhelpful idiot.
Oh no he didnt!
[QUOTE="fatshodan"][QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!dazza_avo
Here's a hint that helped me out, select all your WoW game files, hold shift and tap the delete key.
I am a jack-ass noob with 620 posts and an avitar with quagmire in it. Family Guy sux, South Park is better.
[QUOTE="dazza_avo"][QUOTE="fatshodan"][QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!error11
Here's a hint that helped me out, select all your WoW game files, hold shift and tap the delete key.
I am a jack-ass noob with 620 posts and an avitar with quagmire in it. Family Guy sux, South Park is better.
I LOL'd :lol:
But seriously, South Park > Family Guy.
[QUOTE="GPAddict"]Who wants to bet me $20 that biggest_loser is playing WoW right now? HAHA!!!!!!!biggest_loser
I am preparing to have my breakfeast sir. It is the most important meal of the day. And then I am going to enjoy a brandy while playing Mass Effect.
[QUOTE="dazza_avo"][QUOTE="fatshodan"][QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!error11
Here's a hint that helped me out, select all your WoW game files, hold shift and tap the delete key.
I am a jack-ass noob with 620 posts and an avitar with quagmire in it. Family Guy sux, South Park is better.
Yeah, how dare someone with just 620 posts insult fattyshodan...the nerve of some newbies these days!
But in all seriousness, he's pretty much right, not sure what you fangirls are whining about. That WAS in fact a completely useles and obnoxious post. (before someone feels like pointing out that a bunch of my posts are also useless: yes I know).
[QUOTE="error11"][QUOTE="dazza_avo"][QUOTE="fatshodan"][QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!_Memento_
Here's a hint that helped me out, select all your WoW game files, hold shift and tap the delete key.
I am a jack-ass noob with 620 posts and an avitar with quagmire in it. Family Guy sux, South Park is better.
Yeah, how dare someone with just 620 posts insult fattyshodan...the nerve of some newbies these days!
But in all seriousness, he's pretty much right, not sure what you fangirls are whining about. That WAS in fact a completely useles and obnoxious post. (before someone feels like pointing out that a bunch of my posts are also useless: yes I know).
In all seriousness, the uselessness of his post is pretty subjective. If you want to get technical, BL did ask for tips on what to do next after installing the WoW trial, and fatshodan did give BL his 2 cents on what would be the best way to proceed... So technically, his post is just as valid as everyone else who is saying, "OMG Go to teh Citadel and pwn some nubzz0rz!"
In all seriousness, the uselessness of his post is pretty subjective. If you want to get technical, BL did ask for tips on what to do next after installing the WoW trial, and fatshodan did give BL his 2 cents on what would be the best way to proceed... So technically, his post is just as valid as everyone else who is saying, "OMG Go to teh Citadel and pwn some nubzz0rz!"
Why would I want that? Practically speaking, fatshodan was making an obnoxious post about how much WoW sucks in a thread where someone was asking for help with the game.
Or did you mean if you want to get technical so you can make a vain attempt at justifying fatshodan's asshattery?
i just rerolled a mage at Maiev, and it seems to be a very healthy server. for those who are looking to start a new toon, this would be the place.
Why would I want that? Practically speaking, fatshodan was making an obnoxious post about how much WoW sucks in a thread where someone was asking for help with the game.
Or did you mean if you want to get technical so you can make a vain attempt at justifying fatshodan's asshattery?
I was light-heartedly making a "vain attempt at justifying fatshodan's ass-hattery." :|
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Okay. Lets just forget about those comments and just focus back on the WOW trial. error11
It's not always about you biggest_loser!
What the devil! Whats is the meaning of this!! lol.
I just don't want anyone to get moderated.
Now..ahem: how bout those Orrks aye?!
[QUOTE="Vfanek"][QUOTE="Yoshi25"]QFT[QUOTE="Toriko42"][QUOTE="_Memento_"]Is this a joke thread? How does one get lost in WoW?Yoshi25
GW is much better.
Getting to level 20 in GW isn't an accomplisment. It's the builds and skill it requires to be good.
Unlike WoW....where the guy with the most hours dedicated to grinding prevails.
So you must be the winner of the Arena tournament then huh. How much did you win? And what did you spend all that money on?
If you didn't put in for it, you made a very big mistake, since the game doesn't take any skill, and that it's only gear and grinding, so because the arena tournament gives you maximum level and equal gear to everyone else, you should be a winner I guess.
No offence but... my girlfriend managed better than you in the trial :|Vfanek
:lol: yeah, i don't know how you get lost in wow, bl. :P but seriously, it's a good game. don't fight anything that's more than 2 levels above yours. try to befriend other players (that should be no problem for you!) that are about the same level as you are, and go around with them and kill monsters. it's a lot of fun!
Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!biggest_loser
i would never willingly play wow. i'm sure i would love it if i did, it seems like a fantastic mmorpg, but i would get addicted and have no life, it just wouldn't work. i'd reccomend stopping before you get hooked, just my advice.
[QUOTE="biggest_loser"]Does anyone have any tips for me at the start of my trial? I played the game briefly last night and got a bit lost. Is there anyway to configure the arrows on the map or anything? What about some combat hints!!with_teeth26
i would never willingly play wow. i'm sure i would love it if i did, it seems like a fantastic mmorpg, but i would get addicted and have no life, it just wouldn't work. i'd reccomend stopping before you get hooked, just my advice.
lol, along with that unsavoury rumour that I am a PC elitist (not by you but others..) I can assure you that I am not a WOW addict and I never will be.
First person to say "denial is the first barrier" gets a cookie.
WoW went down the tubes when the expansion was released.DucksBrains
The positive tube of quality, genius, positive feedback and innovation!?
Or was it like that tube from the movie The Shadow were the message goes through the tube across the city and into the building?
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