Now I will feel much safer. I haven't been hacked once since I got my new computer, but on my old comp I lost my account a few times. I had to send in a support ticket into steam which took a couple days.
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Now I will feel much safer. I haven't been hacked once since I got my new computer, but on my old comp I lost my account a few times. I had to send in a support ticket into steam which took a couple days.
"Steam Guard will soon offer other forms of secondary authentication, such as Intel® Identity Protection Technology, a hardware-based security feature available with the new 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ and Core™ vPro® processors. With IPT, secondary authentication is effortless, as it is provided by the chipset itself"
What happens if you upgrade your CPU ?:lol:
I've never been hacked, so I'm okay with whatever they currently have. Of course now that I've said that, I'm probably going to get jinxed and be hacked tomorrow.flipin_jackassIt's really simple not to get hacked.
[QUOTE="flipin_jackass"]I've never been hacked, so I'm okay with whatever they currently have. Of course now that I've said that, I'm probably going to get jinxed and be hacked tomorrow.millerlight89It's really simple not to get hacked. I think so too and I really just stick to three rules: 1) Don't click on spammy links, 2) Only sign on to official websites or applications and 3) Don't download a bunch of s*** on your PC. Aside from my first MSN account (my first online account ever for that matter), I don't think I've ever been hacked.
I made fun of everyone who got scammed. I have gotten numerous scam attempts, I just lol at their attempts, and even helped someone who tried to scam me.
Conversation usually goes liek dis
SomeDude: "Hey did you see the new mw2 maps here at
I made fun of everyone who got scammed. I have gotten numerous scam attempts, I just lol at their attempts, and even helped someone who tried to scam me.
Conversation usually goes liek dis
SomeDude: "Hey did you see the new mw2 maps here at
if this was a facebook post i have clicked teh "like" button
Good feature, but really who gets hacked with the current "tools" is just a tool that deserves to be hacked. I've never been hacked since my first account on the internet around 16 years ago. If you don't want to get hacked, you won't, a simple firewall and some kind of decent free malware/spyware/anti-virus is more than enough, or just don't go on suspicious websites and Steam already has more than enough security, you don't need an e-mail link validation + random Steam client serial number + SMS validation + hardware master serial number authentication + 2 sets of authenticators (like Blizzard) to be safe from a hacker, you just have to be relatively smart to also not fall for "free Steam games".DanielDust
I know what I do on my computer, I'm not stupid enough to enter my account details or visit odd websites. When you are hacked it just "happens." You're not entirely sure how or why you got hacked. If the tools on steam were good enough, then maybe I shouldn't have been hacked a couple years ago.
[QUOTE="DanielDust"]Good feature, but really who gets hacked with the current "tools" is just a tool that deserves to be hacked. I've never been hacked since my first account on the internet around 16 years ago. If you don't want to get hacked, you won't, a simple firewall and some kind of decent free malware/spyware/anti-virus is more than enough, or just don't go on suspicious websites and Steam already has more than enough security, you don't need an e-mail link validation + random Steam client serial number + SMS validation + hardware master serial number authentication + 2 sets of authenticators (like Blizzard) to be safe from a hacker, you just have to be relatively smart to also not fall for "free Steam games".JangoWuzHere
I know what I do on my computer, I'm not stupid enough to enter my account details or visit odd websites. When you are hacked it just "happens." You're not entirely sure how or why you got hacked. If the tools on steam were good enough, then maybe I shouldn't have been hacked a couple years ago.
yeah, i still like my blizzard account example, too.- played WoW from 11/2004-9/2005
- had a unique 12-char p/w with upper/lower case, numbers and symbols
- hadn't logged into my account since 10/2005
- the computer i last logged in with was reformatted early 2006 (vista!)
- TLDR; i hadn't even *typed* the password on a PC since 2005, and the last PC i had typed it with was erased soon after
- i got an email in 5/2010 that my account was banned. checked and yeah, it had been accessed by someone else and reactivated as a 'trial' sub, my level 60 pre-MC dudes were emptied out and filled with mined ore. got it back pretty much instantly, but how the hell did they *get* the login in the first place after four years of total inactivity on the account and associated password?
Accounts don't just randomly get hacked and trojans are almost anywhere, there was one time even on GS, around 3 years ago, the anti-virus blocked a trojan download from gamespot, dunno if the site got hacked on that day, but it did happen.DanielDustusually ad hosting providers get infected and promptly spread it to people visiting legit sites - i've seen and at work
Never been hacked on steam how ever..Was hacked on ebay..It could happen..Over night some one stole my password and credit card number..Took over a 1000 bucks from us..We got our money back so it can happen to any one of us..Im just using what happen to me as a example..My wifes afraid now of ebay..Cant say i blame her..How ever its the only time its happen to me and since than..Dont go on strange web pages your not sure about well give your info on them any how..Only do web pages your 100 percent sure of..Steam i feel very safe on though..Ive bought over 50 games on there..Just recent crysis 2..Pre loaded dao2 also last night..Just be careful guys safeguard yourself..So what happen to me doesnt happen to you guys..Be safe..
I hope Steam wins the battle, gamers should feel safe when it comes to private /personal account info.
Never been hacked since Beginning of steam... Couple of rules that I follow as a base case for anything:
"Steam Guard will soon offer other forms of secondary authentication, such as Intel® Identity Protection Technology, a hardware-based security feature available with the new 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ and Core™ vPro® processors. With IPT, secondary authentication is effortless, as it is provided by the chipset itself"What happens if you upgrade your CPU ?:lol:aroxx_ab
Or if you want to use your Steam account on another computer?
Never mind, I just read the article. And I do not like the idea of needing to go through an additional email authentication every time I move from my gaming laptop to my old desktop ten inches away, to play an older Steam game on it. This better be just a one-time thing...!
Glad to know about people taking accounts AFTER I start using STEAM..Now Im just going to take my debit card and info off ,close my account..and lose what money Ive spent. SORRY, im too busy to mess with "chances" like this. IM sticking to hard copies..WHen they quit making done and will take up hunting.
You're too insecure to be you actually think like that? Stop playing online games, people might track your ip and steal your credit card and info from your home...Glad to know about people taking accounts AFTER I start using STEAM..Now Im just going to take my debit card and info off ,close my account..and lose what money Ive spent. SORRY, im too busy to mess with "chances" like this. IM sticking to hard copies..WHen they quit making done and will take up hunting.
You used your debit card for an online purchase? That is not a very smart thing to do, to be honest. There are reasonable risks worth the reward, and then there are risks you should never be taking... and entering your debit card information online is definitely one of them.ChiliDragon
Um...most people purchase online with debit and credit is no saffer and neither is money orders or checks. You always take the chance when ordering anything. Would you use your debit or credit card to get gas? go eat? buy something from Best BUy??...They all have your information and many times people get "taken" those ways..Webstores are supposed to be encripted TIGHTLY so you are as safe as you can be. Thats why you use cards and personal information. HECK people even do banking online..Guess how much of your information is on that???
Um...most people purchase online with debit and credit is no saffer and neither is money orders or checks. You always take the chance when ordering anything. Would you use your debit or credit card to get gas? go eat? buy something from Best BUy??...They all have your information and many times people get "taken" those ways..Webstores are supposed to be encripted TIGHTLY so you are as safe as you can be. Thats why you use cards and personal information. HECK people even do banking online..Guess how much of your information is on that???VanDammFan
The difference between a debit card and all the other payment methods you mentioned is that the debit card is linked to the checking account that has all your money in it. For most of us, that is also the account that pays our bills and our mortgage, and that we rely on for day-to-day expenses and necessities. If that account becomes compromised it can lead to serious problems. Having the PayPal account tied to a credit card compromised is a nuisance, missing a mortgage payment is a bit of a problem.
More importantly, with a credit card, you typically have a lot more anti-fraud protection, the ability to do charge backs, and the ability to dispute charges and have charges disputed for you in a way that is not possible with debit cards, at least not in the US. Basically, the account protection and your options in the case of something going wrong, is simply better and more effective on credit cards than on debit cards.
to the people saying, what if you upgrade or i wanna use my other computer, this is optional.themagicbum9720Thanks for posting that! It wasn't clear in the Steam News update on whether this was optional or not. As long as it's not mandatory I have no issues with it at all. :)
[QUOTE="aroxx_ab"]"Steam Guard will soon offer other forms of secondary authentication, such as Intel® Identity Protection Technology, a hardware-based security feature available with the new 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ and Core™ vPro® processors. With IPT, secondary authentication is effortless, as it is provided by the chipset itself"
What happens if you upgrade your CPU ?:lol:ChiliDragon
Or if you want to use your Steam account on another computer?
Never mind, I just read the article. And I do not like the idea of needing to go through an additional email authentication every time I move from my gaming laptop to my old desktop ten inches away, to play an older Steam game on it. This better be just a one-time thing...!
[QUOTE="ChiliDragon"][QUOTE="aroxx_ab"]"Steam Guard will soon offer other forms of secondary authentication, such as Intel® Identity Protection Technology, a hardware-based security feature available with the new 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ and Core™ vPro® processors. With IPT, secondary authentication is effortless, as it is provided by the chipset itself"
What happens if you upgrade your CPU ?:lol:Makari
Or if you want to use your Steam account on another computer?
Never mind, I just read the article. And I do not like the idea of needing to go through an additional email authentication every time I move from my gaming laptop to my old desktop ten inches away, to play an older Steam game on it. This better be just a one-time thing...!
This is something I don't care for at all myself. Due to having 5 different computers around, we found ourselves in a battle to have the games my son payed for locked out. Using the different computers led them to cancel the account believing suspicious behavior or whatever. The ridiculous crap to go through finely just lead to a lost, as he made a new account. I personally want to slap my son silly for using this system, as well as having something running in the background all the time like steam.
[QUOTE="flipin_jackass"]I've never been hacked, so I'm okay with whatever they currently have. Of course now that I've said that, I'm probably going to get jinxed and be hacked tomorrow.millerlight89It's really simple not to get hacked.
Yeah really. Most of the time people get hacked because they aren't using malware protection or they give away their info. Still, it's a nice feature regardless, and given the amount of value some people have in their Steam account is sure to be appreciated.
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