Direct2Drive - This is IGN's version.
GamersGate - This one was started by Paradox (developer).
Green Man Gaming - I think this is a new one. I haven't bought anything from them yet.
Impulse - This is GameStop's version. It used to be owned by Stardock (developer), but they sold it to them.
Origin - EA's version. They are starting to release PC games exclusively on it over other digital download sites.
Games for Windows Live - Microsoft's version.
I've heard good things about all of them, but some people boycott GameStop (Impulse) and EA (Origin). GameStop is sort of a monopoly in retail, and everyone hates monopolies. EA forcing people to buy games through Origin could cause other publishers to do the same. That means you would need a separate account and client for each game depending on who publishes it. The consumer loses a lot of power in that situation. Games for Windows Live people hate because of bugginess in the client and Microsoft is kind of a monopoly as well in PC gaming.
I've used all of these at least once except for Green Man Gaming. They all work similarly, though Steam and GOG are the best.
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