So far everytime I try to use steam something either doesnt work or goes wrong. I have recently had my account hacked and have lost about 100$ worth of games. Although I was able to track him down and corner him, this is the user:
Also the program is fairly frustrating to delete, even when you uninstall the program it will still pop up every single time you boot up your computer. This is very frustrating and I would much rather just be able to play them straight from the game like WoW or BF1942. This is mainly the reason why I play more console games and refrain from using the computer.
Overall if ANYONE has a phone number or a way to contact steam other than posting a "question for the staff" please let me know.
Also is Hellgate london good? Just wondering
Whenever someone says "my account was hacked! it totally wasnt my fault!" I just roll my eyes. Its super super SUPER rare that peopel just randomly get their accounts hacked. 99.9% of the time it's someone who downloaded a trojan from some porn or warez site and gets his info keylogged. Or they tried to trade/sell it and got ripped off, then come to forusm like these with tears in their eyes crying about how [enter game here] sucks.
But regardless of that, It's impossible for someone to permanently steal your account. Things like your credit card info, and account name DON'T CHANGE. So as long as you can provide valid copies of those things, valve will reassign the account to you. If you took 10 seconds to searched for "hacked account" on the support site, you'd see how to get it back...10....9....8.......7! Found it! Not even 5 seconds! Look how easy that was?
When you uninstall steam, it dissapears. Stop lying. And stop trying to cover the fact that you were not smart enough to find the "Don't run when windows starts up" button.

If you want to spend all your time with consoles, GO AHEAD. Aint nobody stoping you. But don't try to blame a good service your your ineptitude and irresponsibility.
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